Chapter one

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16 hours.

It's been 16 hours since (Y/n) found her now ex boyfriend cheating on her. Sixteen hours have passed by since she caught him with another girl on HER bed. The audacity!

She was gonna get a new bed by the way.

Now to be completely honest,(Y/n) isn't even fazed about any of this. She's not the type to cry over boys. Especially ones that she wasn't even interested in that much. Yeah,they were dating kind of. But he was just a means of passing the time for her.

She was only mad about him doing it on her bed. Pissed more like.

Okay,being cheated on DOES suck not gonna lie. But it's his loss anyways.

For the entire day,(Y/n) kept herself busy with work to forget about her unfortunate bed. And right now,she was at the bar of a club,downing shots after shots. No,this wasn't because she was upset about her ex. It was because she's upset about her bed. Her poor fucking bed.

(Y/n) was pretty bored to be honest. She had called Suguru, but her only friend couldn't make it as he had some family matters to attend to. He did promise that he would try to leave as soon as possible and go to her place. To which she asked if she could crash at his instead because you know...the bed.

And of course he had agreed. He had given her a spare key to his apartment so if he wasn't home when she decided to go there,she could easily get in.

Aimlessly scrolling through social media,the (h/c) female looked up when the bartender placed a glass of dry martini in front of her,instead of the tequila shots she had been drinking for the last half an hour. "I didn't order that." She raised an eyebrow. "He did." The bartender pointed at the guy sitting a few stools away from her. (Y/n) turned her head in his direction,taking one look before deciding he is not it.

She pushed the glass filled with dry martini back to the bartender. "I don't want it."

The bartender glanced at that guy nervously as he called out to him. He walked over to the male,(Y/n) couldn't exactly hear what they were saying due to the loud music. Not that she cared though. She went back to her phone,checking the time and deciding to head home after a few more drinks. She hadn't noticed the bartender come back until he awkwardly called out to her to get her attention. "Ms (L/n),he asked why you didn't take the drink." He told her,motioning at the guy a few stools away. (Y/n) lift her head up from her phone to look at the brunette male im front of him. He was probably a new employee as she hasn't seen him around here before,and she came here pretty often.

"Didn't know you work as a messenger too. But since you do,tell him that i didn't take the drink because one,i don't like dry martinis. And two,i don't like him." She simply stated. The brunette male widened his eyes,a scared expression plastered on his face. "A-are you sure..?" The (h/c) female nodded to that. "But-"

"Ah don't be scared. If he tries something i will take care of it." (Y/n) assured him. The brunette reluctantly walked towards that guy again. This time,(Y/n) turned her head in their direction. Again,she couldn't hear them. But from his expressions,he seemed pretty mad. (Y/n) grinned to herself as the guy kept yelling. The bartender strutted back to her. "I will call the guards and have them kick him out." (Y/n) did as she said. The dude was beyond furious,but he kinda deserved that for not taking no for an answer and lashing out on an employee. This is definitely not how the new bartender had expected his first day to go.

(Y/n) went back to her stool,sitting down and ordering another shot as she turned her attention to her phone once again.

Unbeknownst to her,someone had been watching her this entire time. From the moment she walked into the club,she had been observing her.

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