Chapter seven

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It's been a week since the...well the incident. Everyone seemed to be in a much better place now. Y/n's bruise had healed long ago. The only thing left was a light scar,hinting at the fact that there was a cut there. Although she had insisted that it didn't bother her at all,much to Megumi's dismay. But she honestly thought the scar made her look cooler.

Y/n was currently lying on her new bed,aimlessly scrolling through her phone. Suguru once again had something to do with his family- they seem to be having family meetings a lot lately. The three kids were all busy studying for their exams. Turns out,being a sorcerer and literally saving the world doesn't get you out of studying,much to the kids and Y/n's dismay.

And surprisingly,she wasn't really friends with anyone else. Sure,there were some people she talked to and stuff but that's all. Y/n had always found making friends hard. Most of the time people couldn't keep up with her exotic personality. That's why she always preferred whoring around instead. (I'm sorry for my choice of word but what would you rather i say💀)

Between all the events in the last week,Y/n had kind of forgotten all about Makima. That was until she had gotten a call from her admirer.

"Hello darling. You didn't forget about me did you?" The redhead spoke over the phone.

"Of course not,i could never forget you." Y/n answered with a flirty smile,hoping that Makima would believe it. "Especially after the magical night we spent together." She added to make her lie seem more believable.

"Phew. Here i was getting worried that you either forgot about me or just didn't wanted to talk to me again,since I didn't hear back from you."

"You don't have anything to worry about." The h/c woman let out a chuckle as she sat up,her back leaning against the headboard. She crossed her legs as she fiddled with the alarm clock on the bedside table.

"I've just been busy with work the last week."

"I understand. I wasn't exactly free either." The redhead replied with a lie. Makima wasn't busy at all the last week. The only work she did was sit around in her office room and think about Y/n. Unless ordering Aki and the others to do stuff counts as work.

But yes,the Makima spent an entire week thinking about a woman. Because Y/n wasn't just any woman,she was special.

The redhead couldn't get the said woman out of her head. To her,Y/n was a mystery. A mystery that was teasing Makima,wanting to be solved.

And when she hadn't heard back from the h/c woman,her head was immediately swarmed with so many questions. Did she hate her? Did she forget about her? Or was she hurt?

Makima didn't even know her address so that she could go check on her.

But then again,that may have been a bit weird.

Sure,she could have called her.

But she was too scared by the thought that Y/n hates her now.

Although then she questioned herself; why would Y/n hate her?

And that had started another argument in her mind.

It wasn't until Aki had given her the push she needed,in order to muster up the courage to finally call her.

And here we are.

"Anyways,what do you say we meet tonight for dinner?" Makima suggested hopefully.

Y/n didn't have any plans for tonight. Plus,it's definitely better than staying in alone the whole day.

{I'm too cool to die from boredom so why not}

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