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I leaned on a balcony watching the flying cars of Coruscant pass by, on the last day of my visit to my brother's house before heading back to Valinor. It was a new age. It had taken around five years, but the worlds had finally been rebuilt, and were thriving. Padmé was reinstated as Chancellor, Luke and Leia were on their way to being Knights, and Anakin... was still Anakin. My witch and wizard friends had taken back their places within the Ministry, and were thriving again. Camp Half-Blood was up and running, and the human world there didn't have a clue what had happened. All we had lost. The Lost Cities were rebuilt, Eternalia was glittering once more, and I had my best friend back. It was nice.

One thing had changed. I was no longer a true part of their worlds. True, they would always accept me, and true, they would always include me as one of them, but I was no longer one of them. Not since Rowan had taken away my powers. Nothing had been the same.

Still, though. I was okay. I was twenty-four now, and had a lot of time left, even without my half-immortality. I had my support within several worlds, and kept up communications between each universe. I helped train younglings and helped keep the Jedi Order going. Even if I disagreed with their ideals, they kept the galaxy peaceful. With a bit of redirection. I had Sophie. I had Anakin. And I had Legolas.

I turned away from the nice view and went back inside.

"Are you leaving?" Anakin asked. I nodded.

"You know I'll be back," I smiled, and we hugged, before I gathered the few belongings I brought and teleported to Valinor. Legolas was there, waiting for me. Yes. I thought. I will be okay.


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