Chapter 5

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Donovan Steele moves away from me and walks past me, around to his desk where he left his trousers, and starts putting them on, as I try and catch my breath.

After what felt like hours, we both finished.

I try to stand up straight, but the burning inside of me from where his dick had just been, he's made it near impossible to move or even bend down.

I can't believe I took him up on his offer to have sex with him, I don't know what overcame me.

I bend down for my trousers as Donovan walks back to me with a box of tissues in his hands.

"Stay still, I'll wipe you down." He commands while I embarrassingly comply.

There's no way I can move my legs, or my hands, my whole body feels like I had just been run over by a truck... or fucked by one, so I swallow that nervous feeling of having him close to me again and let him wipe me clean.

He begins wiping his cum off of me and once it's all gone, he hands me my trousers back, which I snatched from his hands.

"Thank you." I say, avoiding his state, and bend to put them on, ignoring the burning pain in my ass.

I turn around and hear him sit down on his chair behind his desk and open a drawer.

"I didn't expect you to enjoy it so much." He says, not looking at me but at something in his drawer.

I'm choosing to ignore that he just said that out loud and continue to put my clothes on.

Turning around I see that he found what he was looking for and placed it on the table.

His eyes meet mine and he looks almost amused by my discomfort.

Is it always going to be like this, being with him? I can't even look him in the eye without being intimidated, and now embarrassed by what we just did.

Donovan is acting as if nothing just happened... now I'm curious if he's done this before, with a guy, or if I was his first, probably not... but I wonder.

"Now what?" I ask, trying to move away from thinking too much about him, I just want to go home and lay down.

"Now I offer you a Contract here at Desire" He starts, sitting back in his seat, his shirt still unbuttoned, showing his perfect chiseled abs.

He sighs and stares at me. "I did my research and you'd make a great talent to sign, but quite frankly, from that research, I had done of you, I only found out that you're terrible when it comes to money, you have a tendency to spend what you don't have."

"I don't usually do this, but a trusted employee of mine will oversee your finances and set a limit to your excessive spending, so you can pay me back for the jobs my company will get you."

A moment of silence falls upon the office as Donovan simply stares at me, looking deep in thought as his cold eyes bore into mine, making me shift uncomfortable on the spot.

"It's simple, Evan." He starts, making my hands begin to sweat nervously. "I sign you at my company, pay off your debts, get you an agent, and put you up in a new apartment until you learn how to value money, until then, you will pay me back a sum of what you earn each month."

"Does that sound fine?"

My heartbeat begins to quicken at the offer, and I won't lie, hearing him say it makes coming here seem worth it with him seem all worth it, I never would've dreamt this meeting would go so well, and surprisingly... Donovan isn't all that bad people make him out to be.

"And what about... us? How does that work?" I ask, as he simply looks at me emotionless.

"I want a physical relationship with you." He says, watching my reaction like a professional businessman.

I already knew that, but what I don't know is how far he wants to take this, does he want to date or does he just simply want to hook up?

He sighs when he sees my expression and sits back in his chair.

"I'm a busy man Mr. Beckett." He starts. "It's quite simple, when I text you to come, it could be once a week, once a month."

"You basically want me to be your fuck buddy?" I blurt out, without thinking, making my face blush.

His lips twitch as he shakes his head. "Yes, putting it bluntly." He says. "I will have my lawyer do up a Contract." He said, making me look at him confused.

"It's simply for safety reasons, I'll also need you to sign a few documents on your way out before you leave."

Figures... Robbie was right, I won't be able to say shit after I leave this office, I will have to sign an NDA.

So what he's saying is, I'm basically going to be his booty call whenever he texts me, and all I have to do is show up... and in return, I get... him?

I don't know if I can go through that pain again, it hurt so much, and he's much larger than the average guy, but on the other hand, having sex with him wasn't that bad.

The thought of Donovan wanting to keep seeing me made me feel strange, he was this wealthy billionaire who could be with anyone, so why did he want to keep seeing me?

I already made up my mind though, and when I don't want to have sex with him anymore, I can just walk away... 

I'll be sure to add somewhere in the contract that if I do 'break up' with him, he can't take away my contract with Desire if he wanted to do it out of spite or revenge.

"Okay." My chest beats as my hands begin to sweat. "That sounds good."

"Good." He says, still staring at me, his face free of emotion.

"Hand me your phone."

I scrunch my brows in confusion, but get my phone from my back pocket anyway and unlock it then hand it to him, his fingers brushing against mine as he takes it.

He begins typing something in and then hands it back to me, then I see he had added his phone number to my phone.

'Donovan Steele - Private- 00000000152

"It's my personal phone number." He says. "I will only reach you from that number, I expect you to keep it to yourself, I like my privacy just like that- private."

I roll my eyes and then put my phone back into my back pocket. "Sure, whatever." Who would I give his number to anyways? What would be the point?

"When can we go over the contract?" I ask, putting my shirt and jacket back on.

He watches me getting dressed, his deep gray eyes watching every move I make almost like he's in a trace until his eyes reach mine.

"I'll contact you when it's ready." He simply says.

Standing up, he comes around his desk and stands in front of me, then he reaches out to tidy up my jacket, making me nervous and unsure where to look, when he's done I step back and rub my neck nervously.

Fuck- whenever he's close like that, I get nervous.

He smelled so nice, I wonder what he's wearing?

"Uh, cool." I guess...

Shit, this is awkward.

"I have an apartment free for you today, so head home and pack your bags." He says. "I'll have someone waiting for you outside your building to escort you there."

A new apartment? Damn... he worked fast, I felt a little embarrassed he knew everything about me, even the fact I was being evicted, it made me feel like a beggar, but he was giving this to me simply because he signed me on as one of his talents, nothing more.

I nod my head and shift uncomfortable on the spot, not used to being treated like this before, and having things handed to me this easily.

With an aching backside, I trod to his office door in pain while trying my best to walk normally to not humiliate myself anymore in front of this man and make him laugh at me.

I open the door and then look back one last time to see him leaning against his desk as he buttons up his white shirt, with his eyes fixated on mine with a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"See you soon Evan."

What the hell have I gotten myself into now?

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