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You loved him you really did even if he was a wanted criminal and a psychopath but you were also confused let's face it you were a detective you were supposed to haunt him down and turn him in once you caught him

But that wasn't the case because you ended up falling for him and you hated yourself for that this wasn't how it was supposed to be but you couldn't help it the way he touched you the way he kissed you the way he hugged you it was all too much for you

Plus you swore you would never fall for anyone else again or get your heart broken after what happened with Frank you swore what you and him had was love that was until he broke up with you and got with someone else from his gang I know pathetic right?

But that's when you met Danny Johnson sure he scared the shit out of you with that creepy phone call and him coming inside your house trying to kill you with his ghostface outfit but you did put up a fight and Danny liked that about you so after a while you guys started talking

And by talking I mean him coming over whenever he please and ate your food without even asking sure there were times you were thinking about poisoning him for doing that but you decided not to since he made himself at home and made you feel somewhat comfortable with him around

Once you guys started talking you realize you might have fallen for him but it was impossible he was a criminal for crying out loud and you knew he was because he showed up in the paper and in the news you jed and your friend Samantha have been the top three trying to catch him

And seeing him in your house you could have called the cops multiple times set a trap even but you didn't want that you didn't want him gone even if you knew deep down that he will also break your heart in the end just like frank you weren't ready to let him go

So you didn't call the cops or tell anyone about ghostface sure you did hate him for all the things he has done but you loved him you just wished he would feel the same for you but you both knew that he doesn't he would never feel anything for you even if you beg him to

He's a heartless asshole who enjoys killing and loves seeing people in pain including you there were times you thought of telling him how you felt but there was a small voice inside of you saying not to do it because he will just laugh in your face calling you a stupid girl for thinking he would feel anything for you in return

You couldn't cry in front of him he will just look down on you like he does to everyone he doesn't care about you or others just himself you're just a temporary play thing until he gets bored and leaves there was nothing special about you and you knew that from the very beginning

You hide your emotions whenever you're with him you wanted so badly for him to tell you he feels something for you but whenever you tell him if he has a special someone in mind or if he ever fell in love before he just laughs and says he doesn't have time for that

Whatever fuck him right? And fuck frank too they don't know what their missing and besides you didn't even know if you were in love with him or if you just wanted someone to love you like frank loved you still you just wanted to feel something again it simply wasn't fair... Why you

Danny Johnson x fem reader 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙗𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now