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𝐽𝑎'𝑁𝑎𝑦 "𝑁𝑎𝑦" 𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑠
Mᴇᴍᴘʜɪs, Tᴇɴɴᴇssᴇᴇ

"Bae" I hear Scrap say waking me up out of my sleep

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"Bae" I hear Scrap say waking me up out of my sleep

"What a baby" I said about to turn to face him when I felt wetness under me

"I think your water broke" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Duh dumbass, can you turn on the shower and get me some more clothes I refuse to leave like this" I said and he pecked my lips before doing what I asked

After a while I waddle out of bed and mad it in the shower I could only shower for 15 minutes before contractions started and I was out of breath

I turned it the shower and wrapped myself in a towel sitting down on the toilet while Sean got the sheets off the bed and all of our hospital stuff in the car

"You need some help" he said as I was trying to breath through the contractions

"Wait" I said before going back to breathing

A few days ago I had a doctors appointment and was only 2 centimeters dilated and have been for weeks

So me being in active labor a week after my due date was crazy

"Ok hurry up and lotion up my body and slide them granny panties on with the pad in it and then boxers before I have another contraction" I said and he moved as fast as he could

As he pulled the boxers up I started having another contraction and said fuck the bra at this point

"Bae we needa go throw on a shirt and some shoes" he said and I nodded

Sean handed me a shirt and my white fur slides help put on all of them he put some Carmen on my lips then helped me up and carried me to the car

When we finally made it to the hospital and our doctor was waiting on us

She got me in a room and a gown as soon as she could and check me to see if I was more dilated

After she checked she said I was 5 and if is mated an epidural we needed to decide fast since I was having really bad and active contractions

Hours later I started pushing. I pushed from 3 am to 9am before they finally said it might be time for a c-section due to how sick I had started to get

They asked to try to push one last time for a little bit and our baby boy was born

They asked to try to push one last time for a little bit and our baby boy was born

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Saint Javon Butler

After they cleaned us both up and got us situated they finally placed us in our room and we just admired our baby boy

Scrappy did not want to put him down at all and just held him the whole time

I was so happy to be a mother and to be doing it with Sean

Even though he was a fuck Nigga I wouldn't wanna thug ts out wit anybody else because he will continue to be the best dad ever

After birth and staying in the hospital the first night we decided to keep his arrival a secret for a little while but eventually we told everyone and he was of course spoiled with love and gifts

Hope y'all getting mentally prepared but don't be mad at mfn me Ight
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