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Mᴀʀᴄᴜs "Mᴇᴇᴄʜɪᴇ" Hɪʟʟ
Mᴇᴍᴘʜɪs, Tᴇɴɴᴇssᴇᴇ

Mᴀʀᴄᴜs "Mᴇᴇᴄʜɪᴇ" Hɪʟʟ 22Mᴇᴍᴘʜɪs, Tᴇɴɴᴇssᴇᴇ

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"Finally!" Mani squealed stretching

"Mani shut the fuck up ain no way you got dis much energy juh wakin up dog" JuJu said mugging bawled up in his blanket

"Shut up wit yo anemic ass" she said and erbody bussed out ta laughin

"Oh shit, man dis lil trip finna be funny as hell" I said as KiKi pushed her head back into my neck

"She need to wake ha lil ass up" Peanut said

"She good where she at let ha be" I said then we drove to the Airbnb

Erbody went in grabbing what we had inna seat wit us

"Ooooo dis is nice it don't smell like roaches or nun up in hea" Scrappy said and we all bussed out ta laughin

"Hell naw " I said

"Yo gay ahh sound just like ha to" JuJu said making us laugh harder

"Lemme find out you undercover" KiKi said and he waved her off

"Mtch shut the fuck up bitch ahh niggas" he said walking back outside after sitting his stuff down

We all looked at each other and KiKi took off runnin and Peanut was behin ha

Childish ass niggas

"I get the room I got innit first now get out" KiKi said as I stood in the door way and these Niggas started wrestling

"Bitch" is all you heard from KiKi as she was beating da fuck out peanut

"Ahhh chill out mane, Ight I'm done" peanut called out then looked up at me and I just shook me head

"Abusive ass" he said rubbing his back and she started twerking

"Aye uh un we ain doing nun of that" I said and say ha lil ass down

"Doing to much" she said rolling ha eyes

"You doing to much sit the fuck down somewhere" I said standing infront of her and pressin two fingers up against her head

"Can't neva have no fun" she said crossing ha arms as I walked out to go get our stuff


"Aye we'll be back we gonna go to da sto" I said peaking in on KiKi

"K me and mani will go get real food once you get done" she said as she unpacked

"Ight" I said shakin my head

Girl don't got faith in us

When I wake outside Scrappy and JuJu was pulling up in the two rental cars we order cause don't nobody wanna use a damn travel buss just to got o the store.

Juju was riding in a Tesla his ass always wanted one and Scrappy and that mufukin Lamborghini truck. My rental can't get pick up till tomorrow so imma be inna car wit dese niggas.

"Aye dis bitch drive smooth as hell" I said as we pulled up to the store

"Annit son, imma gone move out hea and get me one of these cause you have one of these back home it's a whole different story" Juju said and I nodded

"Aye but y'all got a list of what we need or we just putting shit in da cart" I said as we all got out

"Putting shit inna cart" they'd aid shruggin and walking in da store

"Most un-organized niggas Ik son" I said as they all grabbed a cart and went separate ways.

I grabbed my cart and got real food cause I knew these niggas was finna get straight junk and snacks.

By the time they came out I was already done sittin in the car waiting on them

"Damn how you finish befo us" Peanut asked and i looked up at him then started back rolling my blunt

"I'm just like that" I said licking the paper so it can stick

We drove back home and KiKi put up the groceries for us while we smoked then came outside and sat on us

"Y'all actually did a good job I'm a proud mother" she said smilin and peanut mugged ha

"Don't get you ass beat again" I said laughin and he smacked his teeth

"Nooooooo son you got beat by ha" JuJu said laughing

"Couldn't be my sister" scrapped said

"Oh y'all just don't know the way Mani be beating on yo homie then" she said and I pushed ha off me

"You talking to much now" I said as she got up off the floor

"That's why yo sister beat yo ass" she said and everybody laughed

"Shut the fuck up bitch why you got herpes" I said talking about scrappy and it got quiet

"Yea Um what's the tea" she said sitting down next to me


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