Moving in❤️‍🩹.

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Nunu pov
Today was like everyday but extra special todays the day I met him,hi I'm Renee ivy nunu Nora and yes I know that's a confusing name my parents couldn't think of which one so they just named me all four but I go by nunu most of my family still call me Renee or ivy or nora but you can call me nunu anyways let's go back to when this all started .

3 days ago
Me and my momma had a argument about the tattoos I got and me wanting to date girls and boys so I was moving out I decided to move to boward county Florida because that was far away from her and I can start my new life I'll stay in contact with my siblings but not her I can't believe she let her fucking boyfriend get us into a argument again for the fourth time this year I'm just ready to start my new life I should've been moved out but when daddy died she wanted all her children to stay close to her for the healing process but throw my dead father away instantly for James who just sleeps all day and stanks up the place and eats up all our friend and who is lowkey a pedo when I told my slibings I was moving ofc nico wasn't happy because he wouldn't be able to keep me safe like our dad asked him too while being on his death bed and Amari was sad because she won't have anyone to vent to or help her with her makeup,nails and hair but she can call and text me I begin to pack for Friday I didn't tell my mom when I was moving I just told her I was going to leave her house and she didn't care to try to fix things so I know how much she loves her boyfriend over her kids .
Flashback end

I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing I instantly stretched out my muscles and I hit the clock twice because I missed the first time I walked to my closet and begin to pick out my outfit

^this is the little outfit I put on expect for the glasses I grabbed the outfit and went to my shower I turned the knob with the red h on it and begin to undress myself and I step in and grabbed my towel and begin to rub soap and body wash on it a...

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^this is the little outfit I put on expect for the glasses
I grabbed the outfit and went to my shower I turned the knob with the red h on it and begin to undress myself and I step in and grabbed my towel and begin to rub soap and body wash on it and begin to rub it on my body after two hours I got out and went to my vanity and begin to do my hair and makeup

^ that's how I did my hair and makeup After flat-ironing my hair and combing it I put it in two ponytail and left two thick strands of hair out and did my edges and begin to do a brown makeup to match my theme today After doing that I sprayed Chan...

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^ that's how I did my hair and makeup
After flat-ironing my hair and combing it I put it in two ponytail and left two thick strands of hair out and did my edges and begin to do a brown makeup to match my theme today
After doing that I sprayed Chanel perfume all over me and I texted my sister and brother a long paragraph about how I love them and how I was moving today ofc they was sad because we actually had a good ass bond but living in this house was driving me mentally ill
I begin to put my stuff in boxes since my mother was at work and her boyfriend was out with his friends I called a movers van and I begin to write a note to my mother
Dear mother
This last few months without dad has been tragic I get that you deserve to be happy but don't you ever feel like you moved on too fast? Dad loves you but you betrayed him the moment you let James in the door he could never come close to being the man my father was and I'm disappointed in you your suppose to be my mother not my enemy now I know you are wondering why I am writing this while I moved out I'm gone just like you wanted I'm gone don't bother calling me or texting me I've blocked you the only way to contact me is through my siblings but they hate you and you know that too since they moved in with grandma well fairwell -Renee ivy nunu nora .

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