Movin in/part two🪐

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Nunu pov
I woke up to the sound of my phone blaring notifications I grabbed my phone off my nightstand next to my bed to see miss calls and 50 missed texts from my mom

  Nunu don't fucking play with me where the hell are you?
If you see this text or get a chance to read it just know I read your little bullshit letter you left me and I just wanted to say you didn't leave because I was so called treating you badly and because of James you were jealous you couldn't have MY James and MY life you wanted to be a mom to your sister so bad ,that it is unsettling and wherever you are rn I hope you feel nothing but pain and regret and sorrow without me and I hope you lose everything and come running back to me you little ungrateful bitch .
                                                                      -your mother🤎

After reading that text I decided it's just best to block her and because she is simply not my mother anymore and she didn't do anything but cause me pain anyways but this time it's different I have a new life ,this is a new me I want to see the world I want to explore but I couldn't do that with her and her boyfriend blocking my tunnel vision .

I got up out of bed and I hopped in the shower I begin to wash my body starting with my arms rubbing the soapy wet warm towel across my left arm then doing the same set with the right arm then I begin to scrub my chest with the soapy towel and I begin to scrub my legs then begin washing my Lady parts I repeated this step seven times after my body was completely covered in soap and body wash I grabbed the shower head and begin to wash my self off then I did this whole cycle five more times after I turned the hot knob off and wrapped my baby blue dry off towel around my body.

I walked into my walk-in closet and I picked out a outfit
A black cut up one direction shirt that has a long v like cut right down to the boob part and a pair of black ripped jeans with sliver chains hanging to the sides of the pocket and I grabbed some black and white air forces ones after putting on my clothes I go to my vanity and did my brown makeup look again because it's cute and why not and I put on a yin Yang ring and three crystals necklaces on (blue,green,pink) a white butterfly and I did my hair in the same hairstyle as yesterday.

I walked downstairs in my new home the first thing I wanted to do is go buy a puppy from the pound or an pet adoption center so I grabbed my keys that was hanging on the key rack and I grabbed a black furry puffa just in case it was cold outside I put it on and I walked out the door I looked across the street to the house where I seen the cute guys yesterday and I saw them and they had on different fits looking cute that's when the one who had the durag on yesterday had his hair out he had dreads and he waved at me again I waved back and got into my car .

Once I got into my car I looked up directions too the nearest pet smart too buy stuff for this puppy I begin driving after 6 minutes I made it too the pet smart when I walked it the walker address me "hey I'm ida and welcome to pet smart if you need anything just come up front and let me know darling " she said with an country accent "thank you ida and I will do " I replied to her and I begin walking down isle I found a baby blue dog bed that says I love you so I grabbed that and I grabbed some dog food,treats,clothes,toys,a collar and a leash ,medicine after grabbed everything I needed I walked up to the counter and ida begin ringing up my items and once I payed for everything I left with an pet smarts bag .

I looked up where was the pet adoption center since I didn't know I begin to drive too it nervous they might not have the dog I want there after 3 minutes I pulled up in the parking lot then parked I got out and walking into the shop too hear me getting addressed by a worker "welcome here my name is Jackson and if you see then animal you like let me know " he said sounding southern .

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