Chapter 6

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The black eyes surrounded the walls once again. They knew Seek was coming this time though. The hallway appeared again and their vision flew back. This time though, there were no crawl space rooms. Just octagon shaped rooms. "Left, Right, Right, Straight, Right, Straight, Straight, Straight!" They called out the directions until the hands and fire room showed up. It was crazy as the hands swung everywhere, Seek screamed and grabbed Robert's leg. Seek threw him against the wall hard. Punching him to death. Mary screamed in sorrow as Seek banged on the door. Meanwhile, The blue shadow appeared again. "You almost made it, Try not to slow down."

"Who are you?" Robert asked. "Seek will catch up to you." Was the only reply from the light." "You can either wait for Mary to die, and you will both be sent back to 'The Lobby,' or you could revive yourself," the strange force replied. "Revive." Robert said.

ending kinda repeat of chapter 2+ short chapter im getting lazy

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