Chapter Four: Prove Yourself Worthy

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"Maybe it's just circumstance,
or general compatibility."
- The Most Beautiful Thing I've Ever Seen,
Bruno Major

I was burying my face in my textbook when my phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, I was surprised to receive a text from Noah.

N: So, how'd it go with Chris?

I smiled, thinking about how his plan might actually be working.

My eyes wandered to the direction of his window. Was he currently also studying, like I was?

Nope. The room was pitch-black. Ugh. He's on his bed already? Does he ever study? I took a quick glance at my alarm clock. It's only 2:30 a.m. I looked back and noticed a little light shining toward the ceiling from the direction of his bed, looking a lot like the light from a brightly lit phone screen. I quickly picked up my phone.

Me: Well, you just might be right. He asked if there was anything going on between us.

N: Sweet. That's my boy.

N: Told you it'd work.

Me: Not too bad. All your playboy skills are finally being put to good use.

N: What are you talking about? They're always put to good use. Gets me everything I want.

I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself. 

Me: Don't get ahead of yourself. If you want Debbie, you gotta prove yourself worthy. Of course you can count on me for the matchmaking part, but you gotta work on yourself too if you really want it to happen.

N: Prove myself worthy?

Me: If you really want her, you must show that you're really serious about her and quit your playboy ways. Like I told you, she wants someone that's devoted to her. Not someone that sees her as just another toy.

Me: Wait. You're really serious about her, right? I had to make sure.

There was a pause, as I noticed the little text bubble with the triple dots appearing then disappearing and appearing again - why was he taking so long to type out his reply? For a moment I got worried the playboy was just toying around with my best friend again, as he did with everyone else.

N: Yeah, of course. I even wrote the stupid love letter you told me to.

N: Wouldn't put all that effort just for a toy I only want for a day, you know? Not worth it.

I heaved a sigh of relief. I mean, he did have a point. For a playboy to actually heed my advice and do something as cheesy at that, it probably wasn't just a casual fling he was after. I hope.

Me: A night, you mean.

N: Whoa, whoa. Don't make me sound like a slut.

I chuckled.

Me: I must admit. You kinda are.

N: Ouch. Didn't know little miss second place thought of me that way. Thought you knew me better than everyone else.

I glanced out of my window toward his. Was he also smiling to himself like I was? I must admit that it can be quite enjoyable texting Noah Evans. When we weren't competing, he can actually be a pretty fun friend to have around. But then again, this conversation was probably just one out of a thousand conversations he was having with different girls at the moment, wasn't it? As expected, I could see nothing from his pitch black room.

Me: Do I really though? And stop with the second place. You'll be doing my bidding in no time.

N: I'm waiting for that.

There was quite a long pause, and just when I thought the conversation had ended —-

N: By the way, I can see you staring at me from your window, you know. Would be lying if I said I'm not a lil' freaked out.

Shit. I hastily tossed my phone away and turned off the lamp, hoping he couldn't see my face turning red from getting caught seeming like a total creep.

I could almost hear him laughing at me from his bedroom.


Next Chapter Preview: Lexi and Noah make plans to help each other out with their love interests at the back-to-school carnival, but things don't always go as planned...

A/N: A short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed this! It's also a lil' teaser for what's to come up next! <3 Please stay with me and look forward to the next chap - i'm really excited for what's to come! As always, if you enjoyed this story, do vote, comment and share this book, I'd really appreciate it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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