77 Days

487 9 2

"Thanks for meeting me here," Ethan says, as a smile fights its way onto his perfect face. I nod my head and stare at my dirty, worn converse. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have these shoes. They've been with me through everything. When I say everything I mean EVERYTHING, the ups and the downs, the bad hair days, the fights, the boys. Everything good or bad that has ever happened happened while I was wearing these shoes. I smile absentmindedly, and let out the breath I had been holding in for way to long.

"Lydia..." Ethan waves his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention. I blink rapidly at him and let out anther breath. I can do this. I mean it's not exactly a date..

"Lydia." Ethan tries getting my attention for the second time, I blush a little at the sound of my name. Once he realizes that he has my attention Ethan directs me towards the front desk. The desk worker couldn't be more than a year older than me. Her eyes ravenously take Ethan in, and a flirtatious grin spreads across her face. She has at least seven piercings on her face alone and her teeth are stained yellow. I don't know why but bad hygiene has always irked me.

"Aww," She spouts, "Young love," She purrs. My face grows hot and I bashfully state at my shoes.

She grows a little more confident with herself and says, "When you get bored with her, you should give me a call,"

Ethan's face turns an angry red, and he starts cussing under his breath. Realizing that he won't be able to give an honest response, I step in.

"Two tickets please," She nods and a snarky look spreads across her face. I read her name tag... Mildred ---Lovely, just fantastic. Every time I went on a date with Ethan he got hit on by weird older women with old people names.

She hands me the tickets and hands Ethan a number. I wince, and he pushes it back.

An idea pops into my head and before I can talk myself out of it I say, "And Mildred dear, even if he were to 'get bored' I'm sure there's a hell of a lot better options," Quickly I turn on my heel and grab onto Ethan's hand. I guess you could say I chickened out, what I said was mean enough, and I couldn't honestly say that had I been in her position I would have acted differently. Well I probably would have, but I had no right to be mean to anyone, regardless.

As soon as she's out of sight Ethan starts laughing a deep belly laugh right in the middle of the park.

I look around wearily, "What are you doing," He stops at the sound of my voice and looks straight into my eyes.

"Which one should we go on first?" I glance around, but can't see a thing. So I shade my eyes and glance around trying to find the ride with the smallest line. Finally I spot one with only a couple people.

"Let's go on that one," I point at it and start walking over there never letting go of his hand.

"You want to go on the teacups?" He asks incredulously. I raise my eyebrow and run the rest of the way there. He chases after me catching up only after I've entered the line.

There are lots of little children no older than two or three with their parents. But oh well, at least I'm tall enough.

I glance over at Ethan and he gives me a mildly amused look. I stick my tongue out at him and he must take that as a challenge because he scoops me up in a second. My feet dangle slightly and I relax.

"Sir," The attendant says annoyed. Ethan looks up and gives him a smoldering gaze.

"That won't work on me I don't swing that way," The man clicks his tongue. I snort and slip out of Ethan's arms and run into the next open seat. He takes his time before sliding in across from me. An ache fills my chest and curiously I stare.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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