86 Days

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Ding Dong, the doorbell rings causing me to jump up from my computer seat and run down the stairs. I have to be mom, dad, and Ryan, if I don't all hell will break loose--- literally. A gasp escapes my chapped lips, when I see that my mother has already answered the door. Trying to appear calm I coax a smile onto my lips and I smooth down my skirt. My curls bounce as I make my way over to them. Already my mother is talking his ear off, going on and on about the time when I was eight and I used to follow our next door neighbor around because I thought that I was a spy.

"Mom!' I reprimand her. She rolls her eyes and winks at me, I give her the eye which she chooses to ignore. I grab Ethan and start to pull him towards the stairs.

"Dinner will be ready in five, and leave your door open Lydia," She laughs evilly before turning to Ethan," It was nice talking to you Ethan,' Then very promptly she walks across the hall into our tiny kitchen.

"I like your Mom," Ethan tells me in a very sad monotone.

"I do to," I tell him, not wanting to pry into his past.

"You can ask you know," he says to me before following me up the stairs.

"I know," I answer.

"Then why don't you?' he inquires. I walk over to my bedroom, swinging the door wide open. I do it slightly out of spite and largely out of deep respect for my parents. Then I proceed to flop down on my bed and just lay there. After a minute or so I answer,"Because the past is the past there's no point on sitting here dwelling on it if it isn't going to make a difference, and it seems like it hits a soft spot so I'm just waiting until you want to talk about it," I put a lot of emphasis on the you. He nods, before smiling. Then Ethan walks over and plops down on my bed.

"You know, this is exactly how I imagined your room would look,"

"Really?" He's been trying to imagine how my room would look, that's got to mean something. Doesn't it?

"Really," He affirms, causing a huge grin to spread across my face----teeth showing and everything. Just as he tries to say something my mom calls up the stairs,"Time to eat kids! Go wash up," I sigh before pushing myself up off my bed and grabbing Ethan's hand. I lead him towards the bathroom so that we can wash our hands. Ryan is already there when I open the door. As soon as Ryan catches sight of Ethan delight flashes into his eyes. He holds out his hand,"HI I'm Ryan and am I able to assume that you are the Ethan that my sister has been constantly daydreaming about for the past few days?"

I whack his arm,"I have not,"

Ethan steps forward and grasps Ryan's outstretched hand,"that would in fact be me," Then he turns to face me,"Lydia I didn't know that you daydreamed about me," His eyes are sparkling with mischief.

"I do not daydream about you all day!' I tell him indignantly.

"She's right you know,' Ryan pauses for a moment,"She only does that at night,"

"Ryan!' I gasp,"How could you?!'

"I'm just getting the conversation going Lydia, there's no need to fret," He does a tiny bow before exiting the bathroom.

"Your brother's pretty funny," Ethan observes.

"Oh yeah just a riot," I agree sarcastically. He pats my shoulder and goes over to the sink, I follow him and slather some soap on my hands.


"Yes Lydia?" He inquires as he leaves his hands under the warm water.

"Please whatever you do, do not I repeat do not let them pull out my baby pictures, okay?" He holds his palms up, they drip water onto the rug, "I'm not going to make any promises," He then flicks the water at me, turns off the sink and runs down the stairs. I chase after him hoping that I can beat him to the dining room, no such luck. He arrives a good ten seconds before me.

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