4 - Leaving

20 2 1

Bridgets POV 


I stared out on the window from my hospital bed.

Thoughts filling my head.

I closed my eyes.


Nash and I have decided that we celebrate our 3rd year anniversary as a couple along with my little sister.

I wasnt sure at first. This kind of carnival just skips around town everytime a fiesta is up. This means, the rides arent so safe.

It was Feb 6, around 6:30pm a carnival just opened beside St. Noorkie bridge.

Teenagers came scramming from no where. Each eager to buy tickets.

"So do you wanna ride the ferris wheel, myrka?" Nash says excitingly while he carries my little sis.

"Yes! Yes! Please Bridget? Can we ride the ferris wheel?" Myrka says over joyed while holding a stick of cotton candy.

"Yes of course." I said while flashing a bright smile.

"Dont worry babe, I'll hold on to your hand until the end of the ride." He smiled.

I grinned at the thought.

"Bridget hates tall things!" Myrka exclaimed.

"No, I do not!" sticking my tongue out.

"Yep, you do"

"Alright, babes. Were next." Nash spoke while chuckling.

"Yeay!" Myrka sang with joy.

"Are you brave enough, Myrka?" Nash said while tickling her.

"Yep!" Popping the P. I'm as brave as a lion! Rawr!" Myrka doing the claw thing.

I giggled. They look so cute.

I realized the ride is almost full.

"Sorry miss, that's the end. Next batch you go."

"But kuya! I'm with them!" I shouted. "Nash! Myrkaa!"

Just when they realized I wasnt with them. Nash tried to stand up but the ride already started.

I mouthed. "No stay. I'll wait for you guys there" Pointing the exit.

Nash nodded. Myrka still amazed with the lights. Not knowing I wasnt with them.

I waved and gave them a thumbs up. They waved back.

I was on my way to the exit when ..

"Hey, Bridget" A familiar voice called.

"Yellow! How are you?" I say.

"Im good. Still with the nicknames eh?" Yellow says.

"You look stunning as ever, Yellow." I complimented her.

"Thanks! You dont look so bad yourself, jet." She says.

"So, who are you with?"

"Im with Josh." Her 3 year boyfriend. "In fact, he's on his way here." While waving him to come at us.

"Heyyow Jet!" Giving me a high five.

"Sup, Joshy?" punching him lightly on the shoulders.

"Aw, don't call me that."

"Nah, I think I'll call you Joshy from now on."

Yellow and I both laughed.

Suddenly a big screeching noise came from no where.

"What the hell?" I shouted. Searching for the balloon Nash and Myrka was riding.

They were looking down on me. Myrka scared. Nash was mouthing something. I couldnt really ..

Whoa what the fvck?

The left side of the ferris wheel is bending towards the river.

"Oh no.." I whispered to myself.

Everyone is panicking. Some shouted names. Some just screamed a bloody scream.

The operator of the ride has gone crazy. He was shouting for help. "Call the fire police!"

"Oh shit.. hold on. Nash? Hey. It's Nash!" Josh shouted. "I think he's saying pick up your phone."

I got my phone. Looking up.

"Nash, baby what's going on?" I say. tears starting to fall.

"I dont know baby." He says " But whatever happens .. I love you so much."

"Nash, why are you saying this?"

The ferris wheel left side started to bend more. Woods crashing. Metals bending. Everything is happening so fast.

"I dont know, anything can happen."

"Nash, dont you lose hope. Let me talk to Myrka please .. Myrka? baby are you all right? Yes, we'll go home right away. Dont cry shhhh. You'lI be alright soon. Love you too Myrka. Yes, baby alright. Give the phone to Nash."

"Bridget, this thing is falling down." He says. "I'm starting to think we'll die here."

"No! No Nash! Not here! Not toni.."

Suddenly, The whole ferris wheel broke into pieces and fell down to the waters.

Screaming. Crying. People running everywhere.

I fell down on my knees.

"Bridget! Stay strong! Someones gonna rescue them." Yellow says as she was supporting me.


I tried to run. Towards the waters.

"Noooo!" I was ready to jump into the waters.

"Jet, No." Josh held my hand. "Electrocution can happen."

"My sister! Nash!" I shouted to the top of my lungs.

I cried so hard.

"Come back to me!" I say in between sobs "Please .."


"Last week, 54 people including 38 children died in a carnival accident reports say that ..."

I switched off the TV when I heard a knock on the door.

"Miss White. The doctor says you can go home now." She says politely. "Do you need anything?"

"No, thank you." I said smiling weakly.

I sat up and fixed myself and left. 


If there are readers. Thank youuu.

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