When the woods call your name

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You know that feeling you get when the wind blows just right sending spiraling chills down your back down to your toes and then backup raising your hair , when it feels like the winds is beckoning you into the woods. No, that never happened to you, well that's good and I'll tell you why. The feeling of the wind howling and calling you is a lie, it never calls out to people.
What it does do though, is kill and torture people who are foolish enough to listen to its call. That feeling of tingles slowly goes up your spine and you shiver and then running away is good.
My name is Sam my age is none of your concern and I followed the wind.I am nothing more that a memory of why people do not follow the wind. My tale begins at dusk on a cold , windy and rainy day. September 15 ,1956, I had just gotten back from school and was walking too close to the forest when I thought I heard my name being called and I answered

"Hello who's there?"

no response, so I called again


the wind answered

"Sam come here."

It sounded like my mom calling me for dinner.
Only one problem I don't live in the woods.

"Sam come here."

I called back

" Mom is that you?"

The woods went dark not pitch black but close. The wind blew harder and the rain increased, for a split second I stood there, shivering and getting drenched by the rain. I made up my mind right there and then to follow the wind into the woods.

"Hello is anyone there?"

I asked again but, no response except the wind howling in my ears. As I got deeper in the woods the less creatures I saw and the more the shadows crept around me enveloping me into the darkness .
The wind suddenly stop and so did the rain. I was just about to turn around and go back when I saw a shadow about 10 yards from me in the corner of my eye, I didn't run, I didn't scream, I waited for what felt like forever. It came out of the shadows then with antlers , red glowing eyes, long black hair

"More of a humanoid figure than a creature."

I thought. It came out of the darkness into the little bit of light given by the moon , limbering towards me eyes glowing. It shrieked and rushed up the nearest tree and sending tree limbs down at me while trying to reach me with its long arms and claws. I turned running as fast as I could through the woods. I knew I shouldn't have left the trail because I never ventured into the woods at least not this far and not without a traveling companion.
I could hear it racing after me still in the trees and then jumped down crawling and limping quickly towards me , crying out "Sam come here". The monstrous thing then yelled shrieking louder and louder. I fell on a tree limb that was sticking out , a big mistake. Instantly it was on me tearing at my flesh , sinking its teeth into me and scratching me with its claws. Squirming I tried to reach a stick on the ground, feeling it by my fingertips I pulled the stick closer until I could feel it in the palm of my hand.
Crying out from pain and rage I kicked the creature in the ribs and staggered to my feet arming myself with the stick. I keep hitting and stabbing the humanoid figure with all my might. Although I had probably three broken ribs and a fractured wrist along with patches of skin missing and seeing my bone poking out from deep flesh wounds. I then pinned the creature down while holding the stick above my head , shoving the stick through the creatures chest hearing and feeling the bones breaking. The creature let out an ear piercing screech then feel back dead. I waited a few more moments before standing up and surveying the area around me.
It was still dark out but no sign of any more weird creatures. I was tired , cold and bleeding heavily while catching my breath I leaning against a rock, I tried to called out for help but to no avail after a few minutes of catching my breath kept walking even though it became more difficult. I saw a dark crevice in the night and limped toward it , bending down to pick up a stick just in case another one came out. Luckily nothing came out and when I went closer and examined it I went over all of it even tho it was dark I saw there was no backroom with a secret tunnel going in. I made a camp there and waited for sun-up. I must of fell asleep because the next thing I knew it was morning, after looking around and trying to find the path I used. I heard voices in the distance and called out to them

"Hey I need help I was attacked by something"

they in suite called out

"Sam is that you, we've been so worried about you, come here"

I heard my parents and my siblings along with our friends and neighbors. They waved their arms back and forth, I ran to them ignoring the pain and stiff muscles.They embraced me while taking in my distraught figure and messed up appearance before driving me to the hospital while I told them the tale. After a few months and a couple years in therapy both physical and mental , and carrying the scars to prove I survived the beast we now call a Wendigo. More and more people have been listened to the wind and have since been killed and then strung up in trees like decoration with limbs missing , no one survives and no one knows what really happens to them except me.Take no heed of the wind and do not listen to it for it may be your death.

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