My last call as an 911 operator

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This was my last call as a 911 operator here's why. It still haunts me even now I've tried to forget it but there's no use , after all no one knows the truth but me.

It was 11 pm, the night shift and there were only three of us who were on the night shift. Everything was going well until that one call.

I thought nothing as I clicked the screen just someone else calling us.

"Hello this is 911 what can we help you with?"

I state for the millionth time I feel like.

A girl sounding terrified answered.
My heart caught in my chest feeling the worry instantly climb up my back.

"Hi sweetie what's the matter?"

I changed my tone to a little gentler but still business-like. My mind is racing with possibilities about why she could be calling.

"I think someone is inside the house."
"What's your name and address ok I'll get the police over to your house?"
"Callie and my address is 5672 greenhorn Ave Apt 5 my little brothers name is Ryan."
"How old are you both?"

I ask in attempt to keep her calm and to get her to think about something else as I notify the police and see that she lives over on the out skirts of town and that it would be awhile before they got there.
Fear instantly shoots through my body.
"I'm seven and Ryan is one."
"Where are your mom and dad?"

I ask curiously

"Dad's at work he'll be back at two"

Suddenly on the other end I can hear heavy footsteps and things crashing to the ground.

"Hurry please....I'm scared...!"
"The police are on their way just hang in there, is there anything you can grab to protect yourself with?"
"Yea I think..?"

I hear her leave the phone on the ground and quietly move through the room she's in. After a little bit she comes back.

"H-hello you still there..?"
"Yes I'm still here did you find something?"
"May I know what it is?"
"U-umm a teddy bear."

I can tell she's embarrassed about it. I smile softly thinking it's sweet thinking a teddy bear can save you remembering the sweet nativeness of childhood.

"That's good and your little brother is with you right and where are you in the house?"
"My room I'm under the bed with him."

She gets quite and for a second I hear what I think is a persons voice thought the line I hear footsteps that are getting closer opening and shutting doors calling out.

"Hurry please they're getting closer!"

She starts crying softly and sniffing.

"The cops are so close just five more minutes ok they're almost there."


My heart breaks for the poor girl and boy in that house as I once again check the eta on the police. Suddenly I hear an ear piercing scream and I want to throw my headset off. The little girl cries harder and I can tell whatever is in the house has found her room as I hear a voice call for her.

"I miss you sweetie mommy misses you so much"

It sounded like a woman's voice but the little girl choked while sobbing.

"Why do you sound like my mom....why?"

She starts crying louder and whimpering. Confused I wanted to ask what she meant by that but I heard footsteps not coming from the line and I looked around but no one was being me feeling chills as I saw that no one else was here but me. I hear that voice again but this time it feels closer.

"Come on out sweetie I miss you"
"The person is outside my door how much longer do I have to wait."
I was about to answer but then the I hear the girl scream out.

"I see it omg I see it it's trying to break down my door."

Hearing that I check the eta and see it was down to two minutes and thirty seconds.

"Just a couple more minutes I promise."

Then I hear the words that would haunt me forever.

"I'm going to die aren't I?"
"No your not going to die they're coming for you ok."
I hear scratching at the door then like something was ripping the door apart. The girl was now shrieking and crying even louder I could tell she was terrified at what she saw.

"What are you omg what are you....."

The baby was quite until that moment and I could hear it crying profusely now but I could also hear sirens in the distance.
"The cops are close can you hear the?"

I asked but then I hear nothing but a blood curdling screams then nothing.

"H-hello are you still there..Callie?"

I hear nothing for a few seconds but sirens that are coming closer. Suddenly I hear the bone chilling scream again and I close my eyes trying to block out the horrible sound. The the line died.

According to the body can footage of the cops who arrived on scene, and went to the girls room there was not much left of her or her little brother. Body part and blood covered the whole room, and some I the cops had to leave the scene because of how bad it was.
But even stranger the back and front door were locked and none of the windows were broken so whatever it was didn't leave a trial or anything thing else to identify what it was. The news report that following day didn't say anything about the call or the body can footage it just said a violent attack happened and that two kids died from it. People were claiming it was everything from bears to bandits.

After I left work that night not telling anyone of the strange call.
I told my boss I quit and left for good. Several months later I had a new job at a store as a cashier. But as much as I wanted to forget what happened that night there was no use.

But just as I thought the nightmare was over five years later I started hearing footsteps in my house even though no one else lived with me. Then one night I heard what sounded like that voice who called out to Callie and a scratching at my door. I stayed in my bed till the morning not daring sleep, once the sun came up though I carefully walked to the door and opened it.
Sitting outside my door was a teddy bear covered in blood.

This is my take on a similar story I heard I changed a lot of it so it's not exactly the same but if you want to hear the original look up the  Are You Scared? Series on YouTube

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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