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Part 8: We kissed like love was magic in a kiss of one dream and one dream of another

We kissed like love was magic

And once our lips touched there was more than letters of roses that could fill in our thoughts like a crossword puzzle but you still held my chest in your heart where your hands entangled my heart with your lips like I was complete with a sudden blissful moment where you could not have catch my breath for love faster than falling into my arms as you looked at loved like you were kissing me back with those hazel eyes that only loved me as the truth and that was the key of the words that never ruined the moment of where you could have felt you were told but became more than just best friends the second time around when you first kiss me and I fell into your embrace of dreamers night after night time.

~ We kissed like love was magic In a kiss of one dream and one dream of another ~

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