Chap 1

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'Ace, you're going to do great!' Nancy said, trying to encourage her boyfriend.

'I don't know, Nancy. I'm interviewing to work at the mall. How much luck do I need?' Ace asked.

'More then you know. For me a long time ago, I had to interview 3 times before I was finally offered a job. This is just your 1st time.'

'Well, here I go. Do I look okay?'

'You look amazing!' Then she kissed him on the cheek.

Smiling. 'What was that for?'

'For luck.'

Later that day.

'So, how did it go? Were you great? Do I need to hug you or something?' Nancy asked, eager to know.

'Whoa (chuckle), slow down! 1st off, the interview went well, and I was told they would be in touch with me.' Ace replied.

'Okay, okay. So, they'll be in touch with you later. Could be a good or bad thing, we'll see!'

'How much coffee did you have today?'

'Bit more then I should've.'

'Let's go watch a movie while we wait.' Ace suggested. 'You choose.'

That evening, Ace got a call saying he got the job. And Nancy showered her boyfriend with a big hug.

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