chapter eight.

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Strain Bond 1
"A mother’s heart bleeds for her straying  child, her faith and love soothe her crying temples.”


     Lance sits with Josh as they travel to Ireland for a business conference on Lance’s newest jet. Josh is not pleased with the way Lance is handling his daughter. He has over-pampered her with everything that she only always wants him around.
     He gives her any materials things he wants, and he believes she’s quite happy. Sheila keeps talking about the impending doom she feels.
     Sheila had a meeting with him and his sister Natasha; she explained everything her husband was doing wrong with the daughter. He initially thought Sheila was jealous about the  relationship between Lance and his daughter, but he realized as time passed that Lance was not doing things right and this might have a lot of negative consequences later.
     Emily is becoming hostile and withdrawn. She’s consoled by all the luxury at her disposal and she’s so cheesy with her maids and bodyguards. Not only that, but she’s also becoming snobbish, she never gives in to common reason.
      Her father had to fire her bodyguards and tutors continually because he felt it was their fault.
     Lance complains they are not doing their job so well and he has to let them go.
     He’s paying them to watch and teach his daughter, so why do they have to be so incompetent?
     But Lance does not understand his daughter does not need a bodyguard, nor does she like to attend those business parties of the crème de la crème or the boring lessons she had to learn.
     She wants to be herself; she wants to go camping with her friends and do the things kids of her age do.
     She’s saddled with so much responsibility she does not understand, and her father expects so much from her and she wants to please him at all costs.
     Lance does not see the harm done to Emily, but he feels she’s happy doing what she’s doing.
     All that Sheila has told him bothered Josh and wishes to talk to Lance, even though Lance might not pay attention to what he has to say..
     Josh feels the best thing to do right now is to concentrate on the meeting they are going for. When everything is over, he can now talk to his brother.

     2-day later, Lance rests after the business conference has ended. He sits in the bohemian chair on the balcony, and he stares into the air holding a glass of red wine in his hands.
     Lance sits deep in thoughts, reminiscing over past events.
     He re-married because he’s in love again, but each time he looks at Emily, he can’t help but see Cynthia in her. She is growing to be like her mother each day and this brings so many memories back to his mind.
     He tries as much to show love to Emily, but he can’t deny the fact what he and Cynthia shared is so special and it hurts to see Emily reminds him of his late wife.
     He’s sorry he can’t express his true feelings and fears towards Emily. He can’t explain to Emily his continuous absence from home; because her presence reminds him of his late wife, and this leaves a hole in his heart. Although Sheila has been a supportive partner, he can’t bear the pain of losing Cynthia, and it still hurts sometimes.
      Nothing can change what he and Cynthia had, and he knows Sheila understands him and she tries her best to make him happy at all times.
     He knows she’s happy with him and he knows Emily too is happy.
     That is why he made sure Emily gets the best education. He is doing everything to make sure Emily takes after him in all ways.
     He sips his wine slowly and his heart get flooded with good and sad memories.
He drowns in his happiness and sorrows, wondering how life can be so unfair and also blissful.
     “That’s the way it is,” he says aloud. He sips his wine slowly and enjoys the euphoria of the moment.

     Meanwhile, Josh is in his hotel suite and wonders how he will talk to Lance. It is not the first time he said this to Lance, but he refuses to see things in the right way.
     He believes they are all making it up because Emily acts like she’s happy and tough. He knows she’s going through a lot in her mind, and he understands her hostility and exuberance sometimes, but Lance has got to stop this for her well-being.
     Josh fidgets about what to do as he lies in bed. Suddenly, his eyes light up and he smiles.
     He picks up the phone and calls his younger sister, Natasha.
     The phone rings and Josh sit up to talk to her.
     Natasha’s voice rings from the other end of the phone and josh says, “hello sis, how are you doing my dear?”
     “Am fine, bro, and you. Hope you are fine.” She says.
      “Yeah, I’m so fine.” He replies.
     “Sis, there’s something I want to discuss with you that is disturbing my mind.
     “I hope you are not busy to listen to me.” He asks.
      Natasha replies, “Not at all.”
     Josh explains to Natasha how he finds it difficult to talk to Lance about his insensitivity towards his daughter and this kills him.
      Natasha says, “I have an idea.”
     “What is it sis,” Josh asks
     “Why don’t you let me talk to him? I will not tell him about our conversation, but I will tell him I want Emily to be with me in India for the holidays. After that, I will pressurize him in making Emily stay here.”
     “How about that” Natasha asks.
     “That’s a brilliant idea, but I hope it works,” Josh says.
      “You are about to erupt a volcano.” Josh chuckles.
      “I know but am ready to give it a shot,” Natasha says.
     “You know how protective Lance can get when it comes to Emily, but let’s try it out, and I believe everything will be fine,” Josh says.
     “Got to go, bro. I will talk to you later and thank you for telling me this.” Natasha replies.
     Josh hangs up the call with a tremendous sigh and he says, “I hope this works.”

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