Fun things to do when your bored

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1. Write your number on a helium balloon and set it at a popular store and see if anyone calls you! (Don't set the balloons free, pollution is a serious matter!)

2. Stare at someone until they look at you then say "You're one of them!" and start running then pretend to trip and slowly crawl away.

3. Go to a store and pick up a bannana and say "hello?" then hand it to the person next to you and say "Its for you" When they answer tap your foot and look at your watch "are you almost done other people want to use the bannana!" ( if they don't answer and just put the bannana down say" How dare you!" and pretend to call back.)

4. ( this one is only for girls) Jump on your crushes back and yell "THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING RUN MAN RUN!!"

5.Eat a bannana and say " My phone my phone its goooonnnneee!"

6. Play tag with moving cars.

7. Hide in a Bush and poke people with a stick then when they look hide in the Bush so they cant see you and say "Beware of me the bush monster."

8. Poor liquid soap on a cement floor and slide across it or pull a prank on someone and watch yourself struggle to stay on your feet!

9. Catch 50 bees in a jar shake it and open the jar then LITERALLY RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

10. Rate random people 1-10 on how they look.

11. Yell randomly "I CANT FEEL MY FEET!" then walk with a limp and every once and a while fall and say "DUMB FEET WAKE UP!"

12. Go into a grocery store and follow someone around and buy whatever they buy and see how creeper out the are.

13. When you are on a bus and a kid tries to sit next to you say "No! Don't sit on Bob he's fragile!" and when they say he is not real shout "HE IS TO!" And sit across the isle from him/her and give them the death stare until the bus rides over.

Well there is the first 13 hope you enjoyed I will try to update more soon!

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