Fun things to do in school!

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-------------------FUN THINGS TO DO IN SCHOOL------------------------------

14. Ask to go to the bathroom. (If he/she says yes) Walk straight into a wall. Glare at the wall for a few minutes then walk into it again. Then look at the door and smile like a dizzy retard and walk out the door.

15. In a class get everyone to raise there hand when a teacher asks a question. Then when they are called on have all of them say "I forgot."

16. Take all the white board markers or chalk and give them to random people and when the teacher says "Where are the markers!?" Say "Pick a child any child. They might have a marker and they might not!"

....Yeah that's all I got........... here are some other random ones though!

17. Scream out the window the first thing that pops into your mind.

18. Run out to the street and slap a random person with a loaf of bread and then giggle evilly while running away.

19. Pretend that your cat's /dog's a ninja trying to kill you.

20. Pretend that you sweatshirt/sweater is trying to kill you.

21. In a libary stare at people and breath loudly behind the row of books they are looking at.

22. When someone grabs something say "That's mine!" then take it and walk away then go back once they leave and put the object back.

Well that's all for now MORE COMING SOON!


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