Final Chapter: Stopping the Wish!

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-No One's P.O.V-

After hearing the information from Pocchi that Amante's wish is to erase all of the mothers in the MMMMMORPG game.

So right now, all of you were rushing up to reach the top floor and start to remember what Pocchi had said.


Pocchi: If you can clear the tower, you can have any wish of yours granted. Amante wants to use it to rid the world of all mothers. It's all thanks to your child, (Y/N) who snapped me out of it to break from her spell. So we came to stop her.


Amante: Fufufu~! I gathered enough people to get around the limit. I can defeat the boss on level 100 by myself. I'm done with you. No, I think I can use you to slow her down.


Pocchi: Sorry for letting her use us! Please hurry, or her wish will be granted!


Masato: I won't let that happen! Okay, just three more floors!

(Y/N): Come on, we gotta make it!

Kokkoro: This feels like stopping Pucci from resetting the universe!

Coco: Don't give me that idea!

Wise: This is huge! There must be something here!

Masato: But we don't have time to waste. Let's hurry!

Everyone: Okay!

Eventually, everyone was teleported by a large yellow pentagram and sent off somewhere else.

-With You-

Once you were teleported, you continued running, but only to stop in your tracks to see a wall in front of you.

(Y/N): Whoa there!

You said out of surprise as you start to look around your surroundings.

(Y/N): Looks like I'm in a maze

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(Y/N): Looks like I'm in a maze...I guess that teleportation trap must've sent everyone separately. Hmm...

You closed your eyes and used Gold Experience to sense their life forces.

(Y/N): Okay, they're not far from where I am. I just need to move forward and I'll be good. However, I should also be careful with traps around here.

You said to yourself and you start to walk down the corridor.


It was only a minute and a half of walking straight until you see something in the left corridor.

You were ready for the enemy to appear, but it was only Kokkoro herself popping out of the left corridor.

Kokkoro: Ah, my lord. There you are!

Family is Everything! (D.Y.L.Y.M.a.H.T-H.M-T.A? X Male (Child) Reader) REUPLOAD!Where stories live. Discover now