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➤𝗠𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗔𝗚𝗘: Hello! I'm gonna write a Sanemi x Reader story. This story might contain some heavy words and much. So don't be confuse if this story have Matured Content.

For now on, I still don't know when I'll update some of the future chapter but I'll update y'all as I could since I'm still planning for the future plots of this book! So, please wait.

And farther that, if you have any complaints and don't like this story, THE DOOR IS WIDELY OPEN FOR YOU. But I hope some of you like this story of mine though.

I'm gonna change my writing skill. So, kindly read the note below. Thank You.

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1.) writing skills;

My writing skill were not that good but I assure that I'll improve it to in your expectation. My writing skill was different from any other authors so yeah.

2.) disapproves;

As I say, if you have any problem and complaint about my story, The door is widely open for you. But if you want, you can send (if you want) some feedback about of my story. I highly appreciate that, it can help me to improve of my writing skills. (Lol, I just want someone to criticize my work)

3.) information;

In my story some information of the reader will changed, like last name, fav. food, etc. But feel free to change in what you really want.

That's all. Stay safe, sends virtual hugs;

Yours truly;

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𝗥𝗔𝗜𝗡𝗕𝗢𝗪 / s. sanemiWhere stories live. Discover now