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It was Friday evening, that meant that all of the team were in my living room. Mum and Dad are away on business and have been for what felt like forever. Tilly is off at college meaning unless I'm out with Jessie or Ellie, this house is the loneliest place
I haven't been able to sleep in my own room for 4 months, it's just a constant reminder of what happened, what he did

And how he's sat in my living room acting like he belongs here

If Mason knew.. He'd kill him, or at least that is what I hope

I walked downstairs to see the boys messing about in the living room, Mason was rolling his eyes while he attempted to look back at the TV
The moment my feet made contact with the final step he turned around almost as if he knew I was there

"Mo, You joining us?" Mason asked making me look around and shake my head
"Just grabbing something to eat then I'll be back upstairs" I explained making Mason sigh before nodding

"Come on Mollie, Join us"Wyatt smirked but I shook my head pulling at the sleeves of my shirt looking away from Wyatt, I tried to look at anyone else but somehow ended up looking towards one of the other boys. Jenson I think his name was
He offered me a confused look before glancing between Wyatt and I
If I had stayed any longer he would have put two and two together

I walked through to the kitchen, it was silent and cold in here. It was what I needed to a degree
The view from our house has always been my favourite, I've always loved how it over looks the river
No matter what time of night it was, we could always see it but we are far enough away that we don't hear any of the things that go on down there
It's known that the schools tend to have parties there on the weekends during summer seasons

What I wasn't expecting was to see a small figure sat on the same bank that Liam and I tend to sit at, part of me couldn't help but think it was Liam
But another part of me was scared that it wasn't and going down there would be the worst thing

"Why are you being so stubborn" A voice said behind me making my skin instantly crawl, I slowly turned to be greeted with Wyatt, his face full of anger, annoyance and everything in between

"Im not joining you guys" I muttered lowly, I knew that a confrontation with him right now was the worst idea
"OR you can do what you are told" He warned me taking a step closer to me
His once hazel eyes were now dark enough they were black
"I'm sick of you hiding around when we are here. It's about time you learnt your-" He started before another voice cut him off

"What is going on?" Jenson asked making Wyatt instantly take a big step back, he looked over at me before glaring at Wyatt
"Are you okay Mo?" He asked and I nodded moving away from Wyatt
"Jenson, Mollie and I were having a conversation" Wyatt warned him but I shook my head at Jenson moving past him
I needed out of this house and I needed out right now

I grabbed my shoes on the way passed the corridor only to trip on the rug causing everyone in the living room to turn and look at me, including Mase
"Mollie? What's going on?" He asked rising to his feet but I shook my head running out of the house the moment Wyatt and Jenson got out of the kitchen

There was only one place I could think of heading. I wanted to go to the river, I needed to. Even if the person on the bank wasn't Liam at least the River was somewhere I deemed a safe place

The moment I got through the old gate my phone started to vibrate in my hand. I knew that it was a text message and I had a easy guess as to who it was

'Run all you want babe. We'll continue this talk when you get home, how nice of your brother to let us spend the night hey?'

It didn't matter where I go, what I do.. I have to go home and face him tonight
There was no way out of it
I can't.
I really can't

'The longer you keep me waiting Mollie, the more pissed off I'll be'

I can't breathe
I can't do this

Somebody please..

"Woah, are you okay?" A voice said making me dart around. I recognised the voice but it was not the voice I wanted to hear
"Mollie right? I'm Chase. One of Liam's friends.. What's wrong?" He asked but I shook my head clutching my chest

I needed it to stop, the racing in my chest, the tightness
All of it

"Please" I whispered watching as Chase's brows furrowed until they met in the middle

"Call, call Liam" I whispered falling down to the grass pulling my knees to my chest hoping I could control this myself

"Okay okay, I'll call him" Chase said stepping away for a moment with his phone to his ear

I sat on the bank pulling my knees as close to my chest as I could looking over at my house across the river
The light in my bedroom was on even though I knew I had switched it off.
He was in there waiting, I was certain of it

"Okay man hold on" I heard Chase said before he came and sat next to me putting the phone on speaker
"She can hear you now Liam" Chase said making me look down at the phone

"Mols? What's going on" Liams voice said making me gasp a little, I had asked Chase to call him but now I didn't know what to say
I couldn't tell either of them about what's going on
It's not like anyone would believe me anyway
"I thought you said she could hear me Chase" Liam growled
"She can! She's just you know struggling to breathe Liam" Chase reminded him as he rubbed my back lightly in the hope that would help

"I'm on my way Mols okay, I'm on my way I promise" Liam pleaded through the phone
"Sunshine please say something" He begged
"I'm not" I started before hearing Liam hum in response
"Sunshine, I'm not Sunshine" I muttered

"Oh but you are, you always have been" Liam chuckle making me smile a little

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