chapter : 1 part 2

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starting the second part let's go <3

and loa will be speaking like this:   I am Loa. AI for Atlas Destroyer

and the hologram will speak like this: Congratulations, cadet


~Taylors pov~

"You lookin' for Hayley?" I heard a familair voice ask  "Oh. Hey, Shannon...yeah. she's supposed to be doing her chores, but, of course, she isn't"    "She and Rosa went back to you're place to get ready." Shannon looks at me with a smile  "For what?" I responded "The falls Everyone's going. I told them to join us. You should come too. you should ask a certain H/c boy if he wants to come along" shannon teased me she knows about my crush on y/n should have never told her  "Uh, sure. Sounds good." she smiled at me and walked off I wondered how y/n doing right now. I should first go and see hayley and then I'll look for him it would be nice to see the falls together. Shannon did say that hayley went back to our place and I might as well start walking I wonder how I should ask y/n to join us maybe like 'hey y/n do you um...maybe want to go see the fall with me and some other people? no, that sounds like I'm asking him on a date and it's not a think about him AH I meant it yea il think about it later.' I thought to myself as I kept walking towards the house me and hayley share opening the door  I could already hear giggles

 I walked inside I heard laughing and a gasp hayley and her friend are hiding something from me. "Hayley?" I asked quite annoyed and a stern look on my face "I'd better go. Find me later." rosa said quickly walking away from hayley and towards the exit  "Hi, taylor. Bye, Taylor." she then ran off to who knows where I walked over towards hayley she looked guilty but I honestly didnt care right now I pushed her aside pulled off the covers and saw...a helmet but not a normal helmet but one that's used for jeager piloting I felt angry and betrayed  "Damn it, Hayley! You promised!" I yelled at her "I know I did, but before you get mad..." Hayley cut herself off " Before you get madder, Please just hear me out. I found that at the edge of the basin, and-" I stop her from talking a sligt sence of worry creeping into my tone "By the drop-off?!"  I yelled feeling even madder grabbing the helmet with force making hayley flich " Yes, but I was careful...Anyway, I know there's more out there. Maybe even something that could get us home!."

 "What you're doing isn't going to get us home! It's going to get us killed" I yell at hayley annoyed why cant she ever listens to me!  "you've been saying that for five years NOTHING is going to happen to us BECAUSE nothing ever does!"      "I promised to keep you alive, not entertained. I'm SORRY IF that's not enough for you."     " This is not living we're just waiting here to die!" "WE'RE WAITING FOR MOM AND DAD!" " MOM AND DAD ARE NEVER COMING BACK!" I could hear hayleys voice break she accepted that mom and dad are dead but they arent im sure they are allive just waiting for the green light to come and get us  "THEY ARE" I yelled back "THEY'RE DEAD!" Hayley's voice broke at the end of her sentence a broken sob coming from her I threw the helmet at the wall causing the visor to shatter "they're dead" hayley ran away crying im the worst big brother ever arent I?

~y/n pov~

' ah finally done chopping all that wood took fucking forever' I thought to myself as I turned around still holding the hatchet giving bob a wave "Have a nice day bob!" he just gave me a wave in return and watched me walk away, 'I wonder how taylor is doing right now I hope he's okay he sounded annoyed that hayley didn't do her chores. she's just 15 after all well who am I to talk im 16...I wonder how boy is doing I bet he would love my cooking since it got a lot better if I can remember correctly we should find him in ugh what was that city name again? oh well in some creepy basement on the 3rd floor or something fucking sucks that I can barely recall shit, is..that hayley? oh god taylor what did u do?'  I think to myself as I saw hayley run away sobbing "Hayley wait up!" god damn she is fast for a 15 year old I should leave her alone but... what if she does something stupid? It's hayley im talking about! as I was about to run after her I felt someone touch my shoulder I nearly hit the person with the hatchet until I realized who it was

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