Chapter 2: The Mysterious Man

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"Iroha made it to the church but she only found Alina there, Mami wasn't not there."
Alina, where's Mami?, Said Iroha."
Oh she left to make dinner, and you took too long to get here, so I just stayed until you showed up, where the heck were anyway?, Said Alina."
"Uh well....I sort of encountered a witch on a train....and I lost it, said Iroha, disappointed."
Alina only laughed at her, "Seriously!, You look like you're fine with letting one witch go away, like I really don't care, well you came so let's go home, it's freezing out here, said Alina."

"Iroha wanted to still do her praying before they go home."
But Alina can I, at least do my praying, I know when Angela is not around, it's like a relief from strict rules, but you know we can't miss a day, said Iroha."
Alina rolled her eyes at Iroha."
"That's what you say, alright go on ahead make it quick and if God can understand you, but I'm sure that's not a big deal, if you take long I'm leaving you behind got it!, Said Alina."
"Alright, I promise it won't be long!, Said Iroha as she went into the Church."

"She went into the Chapel and went to the last row of seats, so she can get back to Alina and not take time walking down the aisle, if she ran that would be disrespectful."
She went and prayed, looking up at the stained glass, that depicted a light and Saint Joan of Arc."
Iroha liked the picture of the stained glass and she romanticized about how it would be great to be married in the chapel with the beautiful stained glass."
It would be wonderful, If I could have my wedding in this Chapel once I come of age, said Iroha with a smile."

"Even if what's around you isn't real?"

"Iroha overheard this voice she turned to see a man on the far end and another row of seats near where she was reading something, she couldn't tell what maybe the Bible as they were in church and the Bibles were put into some shelves behind each seat for a person to use."
She believed that man was talking to her and she was right about that as he made eye contact with her."

"He had black hair, his skin was tan, and he wore a black school uniform to a school uniform she could not identify that belonged to any school in Takarazaki City."
His eyes were a bright brown."

"Um are you talking about me, Sir?, Said Iroha, shyly."
The man didn't say anything else, as Alina texted Iroha."

Alina: "Iroha, Come on!, Are you done!".
Iroha: "Oh, yeah sorry I'm coming!".

"You should start questioning the life you live in, something might not be as you once knew it as, said The man."
Iroha didn't reply back as she went to Alina and they left to go home."
Iroha didn't know what to Think of what the man said to her."

"But when she got home, she remembered Ren from the train and what she wanted to do at home and look at the photographs to see if there was a picture of the two."
So she went down to the Basement while Mami wasn't looking as the door was directly near the kitchen."

"The basement was a typical room underneath Located in the ground, there were lots of boxes, ones Iroha couldn't remember there being much down here, but she concluded it must be old junk that Angela just dumped down there."
She took out a photo album as Angela had those neatly staked and labeled with certain years."
"2004.....2005....2010!, Ah here we are, said Iroha."
She took the album and looked between the photos, she was only 6 years old in the photographs, and a lot of them were family friendly photos one of her getting scared by something, because Alina was messing around with her."

"But she didn't find any photograph of her and Ren."
Maybe there wasn't one that was taken, or It got lost, there were so many things she could think up as an excuse to it."
"There's no photographs of me and Ren?, Why is that?, I guess none were taken?, Well at least we can make new memories, said Iroha."
Iroha then looked up and noticed something else that was hidden by some boxes."
Huh?, What is that?, Said Iroha."
She put down the 2010 Album to have a look at them."

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