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Third person pov
Also it's the next day // 8:42 am

"DAVID." The bright notification on David's phone read "I found some money Cameron left behind we could get an ad in the newspaper " another notification popped up. "WOW! An advertisement? That would mean we could advertise the camp!" David texted back after putting in the four-digit code to unlock his phone, the same code max has memorized.. "yeah, OR we could put in an ad for a new camp counselor so we don't have to deal with these little shits by ourself anymore.." "GWEN... that's a great idea! I'm so glad you thought of it!! 😁"  " shut up"  Gwen responded,pocketing her phone before walking into the mess hall to get a cup of coffee, where David had already been waiting. She was met with the red head enthusiastically waving his arms around to get her attention, Neil poring a strange green liquid into the coffee machine, Max trying to get the ladder to get into the attic, Nikki biting at Dolph's ankles and threatening to rip his canvases, it was just a loud mess of chaos in which Gwen had to work.

"GWEN! OVER HERE! IN THE BACK AT THE SAME TABEL IM ALWAYS AT" David yelled across the room to get her attention, she slowly made her way to the Table that David was at, sitting down. "So... anything new?" David interrogated "uhhhh..OH- yeah actually," Gwen remembered "I was snooping around in Cameron's attic and guess what I found~" she said the last bit in a sing-song tone "ooh! Dogs-! Dogs with hats!" David chirped "-what no money, I found money left for us to put an ad in the paper. why w-" "Really? What would we possibly need to have an ad for in the newspaper?" David asked.
"Well I thought we could use some extra help around the camp.. y'know with everything going on, it's not getting any easier to take care of that crazy bastards everyday" Gwen answered feeling a bit guilty. "Well alright, I'll get that set up for you Gwen" David stated "w- really? You don't mind if we get another counselor?" Gwen asked, a little surprised "just don't replace me!" he said half-jokingly as he made his way to the exit of the mess hall to go set up the Camp activities.

9:00 am

"Alrighty campers! Who wants to take a guess at what we're doing today?" David asked "Ooh! Ooh! Rocketship!" Spacekid yelled with his hand raised waving it around. "So close spacekid, today we're going on a nature walk-" Gwen interrupted "he means we forgot to Plan the activities for today and couldn't come up with anything last minute." 
"well that sure is one way to put it Gwen! Ahahah..." David responded, ushering Gwen and the campers into the forest onto a random path, handing Gwen a compass. "Ill get set up with the ad, you just go take a walk." David whispered to her, grinning at Gwen while she glared down at the compass "I have no idea how to use this." But he had already walked off at that point.

12:03 pm

After over an hour of setting up a damn ad and hoping it would get accepted, the campers and Gwen had gotten back. The campers go off to do their own little activities and Gwen meets up with David in the councilors cabin.


"Hahah! Nice wooden bottles nerd-face!" Nerf says as he knocks one of the wooden beakers over "you don't even know how to write your own name!" Neil retorted, tossing one of the wooden beakers towards nerf, which unfortunately did not hit him due to Neil's useless nerd arms.

After like a million years David managed to figure out how to make an Ad and submit it to the newspaper. Everyone settles in their respective space, the campers in their tents and the counselors in their cabins. David takes out his phone as he waits for his turn to shower, he opens starstruck and messages Daniel "hey, you mentioned you were a counselor right?" David hits send and waits in anticipation for a response, but after around ten minutes he still hadn't gotten one.

Gwen comes out of the bathroom and David goes to take a shower, coming out pretty soon and crashing onto his bed to go to sleep, and after the whole day he fell asleep pretty quickly...

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