"I over reacted."
I don't know if I should come back or if I can ever make myself comeback. Two months ago, I stormed out the library accusing her of being rude and I never came back. The semester is almost over and I'll never see her again if I don't make a move. I don't even know if I should see her.
During those two months, I learned many things about her from a friend, a mutual friend. It was then that I understood everything.
"I will not come back... unless I learn her language."
"Not the language with a pen and a piece of paper."
"But the language of emotions and signs."
"Her language of smiles and gestures."
Baggage Handler
Many people have done that to me. I guess I will always destroy their expectations.
But this is me... Or... This is what I'm not. What I can't do.
If only I can speak to them the way they speak to me.
It's painful. However, I need to focus there are more important matters.
I looked at the Library's entrance...
I stared...
I waved...
I smiled.
Dysfunctional Smiles
KurzgeschichtenOur high expectations for someone we don't know can hit us like a bus when we finally learn who they are. And it's our choice what to do after it happens. -Guitarist ------------------------------------ They say that smiling is unique only to human...