Birthday celebrations

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A month had past since we got set up on a date together by Sam. We hadn't seen eachother since that date simply because our schedules didnt match up. We were either both working or one of us was busy. I know that doesn't sound very hopeful when you just met someone but thankfully our schedules are both a bit quieter next month and we both have a lot of spare time coming up. We had been talking on the phone a lot, getting to know eachother. Im not sure how many times she fell alseep on facetime where we were talking so late.

I knew Britt was going out with her friends tonight which was great because it was also the night of my friends stag do. That ment i didnt have to worry about messaging Britt while out because thankfully she was out and shouldn't be on her phone.

By the time we got to the last bar it was well past midnight. I was exhausted by now but i didnt want to be the first to go home. I stopped drinking after two pints because i knew my friends stag do will get messy and someone needs to be able to keep them out of trouble. That someone was me. As we walked to find a table, I noticed a group of girls laughing and being really loud. The more i paid attention to them The more i recognised one of the girls. It wasnt long before she turnt around and thats when i realised, it was Britt. I sat watching her with her friends with a smile on my face. The guys are all chatting and to drunk to notice me staring.

It wasnt long before Britt spots me looking directly at her. She gets up off her chair and stumbled towards me and my friends. shes so drunk, i could smell it on her breath as she starts flirting with me. "hey cutie, ehat are you doing out at this time alone" she slurs at me while touching my chest. I sighed and took her hand walking her back over to her friends. "Keep an eye on her, shes really drunk" I tell them, just as i do and round of shots gets given to them. I couldn't stop them from doing what they wanted and Britt doesnt even recognise me so i really couldn't stop her. I walked back to my seat, thankfully my mates were wll sgill chatting and oblivious to the world around them. I watched Britt do nearly all  the shots aa they pretended to do them. My blood was boiling, Britt tols me before she was a light weight when it came to drinking so why would they do that to her. I kept looking over occasionally just to keep an eye on her. Five minutes had past since i last looked over, this time when i did it, Britt was alone, she had her phone in her hand and a couple of tears on her cheeks. All her friends had just left her there so the tears could of been anything. That was my que to leave the lads and get her home.

I said goodbye to my group of friends before walking over to britt. "Hey brittany, should we get you home now? " I ask her, britt jumps at first before nodding and practically fallling off her chair. "I will drive you home okay, just let me get you to my car."  I say before picking britt up bridal style in my arms and carrying her out to my car. Once we are both in the car, i keep glancing over at britt to make sure shes okay. She hadn't said a word but I could hear faint sobs while driving but i didnt know what to say or do to help without making it all worse. when we were stopped at the traffic lights, i noticed her head fall forward. She had passed out drunk.

It wasnt long before i pullled up onto britts driveway, next to her parents car. I got out before walking to get britt out the car. I wiped her tear stained cheeks gentky with my sleeve before i took her into my arms. I done this gently as not to wake her. This would be the first time i got to meet her parents.

I stood on the doorstep anxiously waiting for someone to answer. I knew it was extremely late but i had no choice but to ring. I stepped back slightly as i heard the key turn. I had britt passed out in my arms. I looked up as the door opened to see her dad stood there. "um, hi sorry its so late but yeah. sorry shes really drunk but her friends had her doing shots of goodness knows what" i say as her dad, John looks down at britt in my arms and then up at me. "oh yeah sorry, im Ben, im the guy she went on that date with that her sister set her up on. Im not just some random guy" Johns faces relaxed before he smiled slightly. "Thank you for bringing her home. im John, britts dad. I really appreciate that you looked out for her even though thats what her friends said they would do. if you wouldnt mind could you carry her upstairs, her room is the first door on the right. im just going to get the sick bucket ready for the morning. I would take her but the last thing we need is for britt to wake up now. She gets emotional when drunk." he explains, i nod at him while taking my shoes off to walk upstairs. "That would explain the crying in the car ride home before she fell asleep. I did try and clean up her make up so no one thought i upset her" i said as her dad laughed.  "we know what shes like" he chuckled

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