39. Rainfall

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It's funny how mean and heartless the world can be to you.. sorry guys): having a rough patch in my life(when do I not). One person I know understands though, and you know who you are(: thank you bae<3 xoxo

speaking of, please do go check out my best friends page, @Alaska_Mendes ,she means the absolute world to me!<3 (and no, this is not a shoutout)

also, I will be adding music videos to each of my chapters for the remainder of this book! feel free to listen to the songs as you read!<3


Someone shifted beside me, stirring me back into reality from my peaceful sleep. Peaceful sleep. Thats something I hadn't had in awhile, until Darius made it all the better. He really was something else..

Opening my eyes, I saw Darius' face before me, his mind still far into a dream. I reach out a hand and brush it gently through his hair, debating on whether to ask Gray if he has any hair dye, or if I need to go out and get some. Biting my lip, I decide to get out of bed and ask him.

Opening the covers, I carefully pry myself from Darius' body, fling on a shirt, and tiptoe my way out of the bedroom. I spot Gray in the living room, his eyes peeled to some wrestling match on the tv while he ate feverishly at his bowl of oatmeal.

"Hey, Gray.." I call out, my voice still a bit raspy from sleep. He nods his head to acknowledge my presence. "Do you happen to have some hair dye laying around? Preferably black?"

"Nope, but if you need some I have some cash on the kitchen table. What do you plan to do? Don't dye your beautiful blonde locks, please." Turning my way, I almost burst into laughter as his eyes darken with sadness.

"It's not for me, Gray." I respond, my giggle clear in my voice.

"Oh, well then go to town on that bastard."

I burst into laughter, but recover myself quickly when I remember Darius was sleeping in the other room. Thanking Gray, I grab a ten on the counter and put my hair up into a messy bun before heading out to a drug store. There was one close by, so I made my way in and grabbed a pack of men's brownish-black color that was similar to what I had used before in his hair.

Using a little more than half of the ten, I grab my bag and quickly make my way back home. Before I get to the building though, I spot a bigger, older man talking to someone on the street. He was right across from where we were staying, and when he saw me he pushed up his glasses along the bridge of his sweaty, peculiar nose and watched me walk on the sidewalk. The man he was talking to refused to turn my way, and he even slumped his shoulders a little, as if to try to blend into his surroundings. A hoodie covered most of him, but I could make out his brown hair blowing softly from the subtle breeze.

He almost looked a little familiar from the backside. Though, I couldn't place who he looked like...

The large man tucked his hands into his dress pants and had his cold eyes on my backside even when I turned to enter the bar. Something about him made the hair on my arms stand, and my spine tingle unpleasantly. Something also told me his intentions were not just to have a nice chat across from the bar.

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