chapter 1: happy hotel?

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"Get back here, Alastor!" young Eille screams as she runs after the brown haired male. She was really angry at the fact that he had thrown thick, wet mud onto her pretty dress. Panting heavily, she continues to run after the boy for a bit longer before she hears a voice call to her, making her stop in her tracks.

"Be nice to Alastor, sugar" her mother calls to her.

"But mama! He threw mud on my dress!" She whines loudly as she stomps her foot and then kicks a stick nearby.

"Alastor Miller! Did you throw mud on her" a sharp voice cuts though the air.

Eille lets out a little laugh when she sees Alastor freeze in place at his mother's harsh tone. She watched as the boy ran and jumped up onto the porch where his and her mother sat. Satfisted that Alastor was getting in trouble, Eille turns away and walks into the nearby woods.

Beep beep beep…

Eille groaned loudly and smacked her alarm clock harshly. After a few more moments of laying in bed she sits up and stretches before dragging herself out of the warmth of her covers and to the bathroom so she could shower and get ready for the day. About 30 minutes later, she makes her way down to the dining room for breakfast. An imp was waiting to greet her at the entrance of the dining room.

"Good morning, mistress Doe, would you like to be filled in on the latest news?" He asked her

Eille sat herself down at the dining table before responding, "Why of course I do, sugar" she answers with a big smile. She listened carefully as the imp went through the news. When he starts talking about the happy hotel, Eille ears perk straight up. "That seems interesting, don't you think?" she interrupted the imp without hesitation. Suddenly her shadow was hovering at her shoulder, an evil smirk on it's face as it looked at the imp.

 Eille's eyes changed color and the air became darker for a moment. She watched the imp shiver in fear before speaking.

"I- t-think it's i-interesting as well, ma'am" he stutters before clearing his throat.

Her smile widens as she pets her shadows head slowly. "What do you think, Ava?" She asks. Her shadow unwrapped itself from her shoulders before answering.

"I think it's worth checking out master" Ava replies honestly while looking Doe in the eyes.

Eille lets out a dark evil chuckle and stands up abruptly. "I agree with you, old friend, so lets take a trip," she exclaims in a cheerful tone. She snaps her fingers making her blue mic appear. "Ava, breakfast is served. Do enjoy.” Eille took great delight in watching her shadow rip the imp apart piece by piece.

After a few minutes Eille taps her mic on the ground twice then walks away laughing.

"This was going to be very fun indeed"

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