chapter 2 : the arrival

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Eille stood in front of the happy hotel entrance with a wide smile upon her face. She fixes her bowtie nervously. She shoots Ava one last glance before knocking on the hotel's door loudly. A few moments go by and no one answers so she knocks again much louder than before.  The door finally opened and a small Cyclops demon stared up at her and gasped loudly. 

"Oh boy aren't you pretty hi im nifty you must be looking for Charlie hold on I'll  get her!" she spoke in a rush while slamming  the door back in Eille's face. 

"How rude" Ava growls impatiently. 

Eille raises her hand to dismiss nifty's behavior "calm yourself old friend we have time" she says calmly. She makes her mic disappear before the door opens once more and the princess of hell walks out. 

"May i help you ma'am?" Charlie asked in a gentle tone. 

Eille smiles as she sticks out her hand for Charlie to shake while introducing herself "hello sugar my name is doe i heard about your hotel on the news and i just had to come down and check it out" she made sure her tone remained calm. 

"It's nice to meet you, Miss doe!" Charlie exclaims cheerfully while shaking Eille's  hand. "Please come inside and we can talk in my office" Charlie explains while stepping aside to let Eille in the door. 

Eille enters the hotel lobby slowly. She stopped at the front desk to wait for Charlie. Her eyes scanned her surroundings curiously as she waits. 

"Could use a lady's touch" Ava said though the mindlink.

"Your not wrong old friend" Eille shoots back. 

Charlie walks past Eille's and motion's for her to follow "my office is this way miss doe" she says loudly. 

"Please just call me doe darling" Eille insisted. She couldn't stop herself from admiring the big hallway they were treading down. She lets out a little whistle and listens to the echo off the empty walls. When Charlie comes to a stop in front of a large red door. 

"do go inside and make yourself at home I'll be right back i have to go grab something" she said quickly before running  off. 

Eille hums a soft tone as she pushes open the door and steps inside. She decided to sit herself on a large red couch in the middle of the room to wait for the princesses return. Her eyes scanned the bookshelves in a curious manner. " mama always said you could get to know someone by their choice of-" sudden movement in the corner of the room cut her out of her thoughts roughly. "You know it's rude to stare," she says calmly. 

"Oh darling I wasn't staring I was just wondering why you're in my office" a voice full of static cut though the air like a knife sharp and deadly. 

Eille smiles and turns in the direction of the dark corner from which the voice was speaking from. She gave a sharp glare before speaking "miss Charlie told me this was her office and to wait for her inside" she scoffed. Just as Eille was about to say something else Charlie entered the room with a large book. 

"Sorry it took me so long-" she trailed off when she saw the figure as well "Alastor what are you doing here i thought you wouldn't be back for another week" she gulped.  

Alastor decided to emerge from the corner with a wide smile on his face "oh darling i decided to come back early" he explains while pinching Charlie cheeks. Eille noted his voice sounded like an old radio host as she watched the two for a bit before clearing her throat. 

"Miss Charlotte if you would indulge me for a bit i would like to explain my reasoning for coming all this way" she announced. She didn't miss the way Alastor's head snapped around to look at her.  

"Yes look at us Radio bitch we have the stage not you buck" Ava hissed through the mindlink. 

"Silence!" Eille snapped back

Charlie's voice pulled Eille and Ava out their side chat "oh of course miss doe" she said gently while sitting herself down in the desk chair. Alastor walked over to stand by the desk not saying anything, his smile as sinister as ever. 

"I think your cause is lovely sugar and i would like a chance to scope it out and see if it's for me" Eille declared with a bright smile "in other words we would like to see if it's worth the time" Ava piped in as she stood beside where Eille sat. 

(A/n ha sorry i know this isn't  the best way to end a chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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