Choosing a Different Path

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It was the big night for the surviving cadets of the 104th.

Tonight would be the night that they would chose their futures with the military. For many of the cadets, they had 1 of 2 options. The Garrison or the Survey Corps. For those lucky few who had placed in the top tens of their training corps they could join the Military Police. Being an MP meant an easy life, and a safe life.

3 years ago when Shadis had stared Marco down, asking why he joined, Marco had stupidly said "to serve the King". In reality, he wanted that easy life, his parents wanted him alive, and he knew living in the capital would take pressure off his family. They could eat more, have more money sent home.

Now Marco new his path had changed.

The night before, he sat around a table in the mess hall of their training camp. Sasha and Connie discussing which was better beef or chicken, while the rest of the table was concerned with Eren.

After the battle of Trost, much to Mikasa's dismay, Eren was taken into custody of the military. Mikasa and Armin were to be at his trial tomorrow morning. The MPs want to dissect him, and dispose of him. The Survey Corps wanted to use his power. During the conversation about Eren, he had noticed that Reiner and Bertholdt were quite. He had also noticed Ymir listening intently.

Finally the conversation had shifted to what branches they were planning to join.

"I'm joining the Garrison. I didn't place in the top 10 so that's the safest option for me" Daz said taking a bite of bread. "What about you Armin? Since you didn't place either?"

"I'm joining Eren in the Survey Corps", he said. "I wanna see outside the walls".

"You're going to follow that suicidal b*stard out there?" Jean asked incredulously. "You don't even know if they will let him in the Scouts."

Armin shot Jean a look. "I have my other reasons too", he said quietly.

"I'll be joining the Scouts too", Mikasa said flatly. She was much more subdued, empty, when Eren wasn't around.


"Oh, I'm joining the Scouts as well."

Jean's soup spoon clattered as it hit the table.

"Why? You were going to join the MPs, with me?" Jean stammered.

By now most of the cadets were looking at them.

"Jean, I just don't think I can spend the rest of my life hiding behind the walls, after seeing so many of my comrades...friends die so young. The idea of living a life of comfort and safety serving some Royal family I don't even know, who probably could care less about what happens to me, just lost its appeal".

"You'd rather die then?", asked Samuel.

"I'd rather die feeling free that trapped behind a wall". Marco said.

Jean gave him a pained look.

Marco felt a pang in his chest. He knew after tomorrow night he and Jean would be separated, most likely not seeing each other again. He looked down at his soup, he wasn't hungry. He pushed his bowl to Sasha.

"Here not very hungry", he mumbled.

Sasha didn't think twice and poured the soup into her bowl.


There they stood. Listening to Erwin's speech about the Glory of Humanity, and dedicating your heart.

Marco stood at attention. Not really paying attention to Erwin. He kept his eyes on the the taller people in front of him and Jean.

The plan was for Annie to join the Military Police as planned. Having someone close to the Royal family, was originally part of the plan. Needing to be close to "Royal blood".

Marco, Bertholdt, and Reiner we're going to join the Scouts to track Eren.

Meanwhile Marco was trying to come up with a plan to where Eren is safe and to help Reiner and Bertholdt.

Erwin had finished he speech. There was a stillness in the air.

Marco could hear his heart hammering in his chest. If they were alone, he would grab Jeans hand for reassurance, seeing as this was probably the last time Jean would probably see him alive.

The silence was then broken by the shuffling of feet, as cadets turned to leave. Marco stood stoic, making sure Reiner and Bertholdt didn't go back on their choice.

They both stood, staring straight ahead.

Marco watched Annie brush by him. He looked around not surprised to see Armin and Mikasa sticking around. He was surprised to see Connie and Sasha staying. Even thought Sasha was crying and Connie looked terrified.

He looked to see Krista and Ymir staying put too. He knew Ymir would go where ever Krista went, but was surprised that someone like her would join the Survey Corps.

Once the crowd had dissipated. The remaining cadets. The new scouts all saluted Erwin.

"For the glory of humanity" he said.

"For the glory of humanity" they recited back.

A shock wave went through Marco. He heard Jean's voice.

He turned and saw Jean standing there, his right fist over his heart.

"What are you doing?" Marco asked, stunned.

Jean gave a slight smirk. "I couldn't let the closest person do go die alone could I? Plus I think want to be free too."

Marco smiled, but he felt that same pang, as he looked towards Reiner and Bertholdt. He hates keeping secrets from Jean.

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