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The first 2 weeks had been hard. There was very little privacy in the small side building that was the prisoners barracks.

Annie had nightmares. She would scream herself awake. As a personal punishment for her, Levi has taped a list of the name of every solider she killed to the ceiling of above her bunk. Every morning, she had to recite the names to Levi. Part of her punishment included sewing the names of the dead in the patches Levi had from the 57th expedition.  Annie would scream names from that list in her nightmares.

He could hear Reiner toss and turn in the bunk below him. His personality still slowly splitting.

Bertholdt wrote out his anxieties.

Marco paced.

Annie was still angry with Marco, but Marco just brushed it off. He was more worried about how Jean felt. How his family felt. He was allowed to receive letters. His father refused to speak to him, his mother was more supportive.

Most nights he was too exhausted to even think about the isolation. The military knew how to hand out hard labor. Roofing, carrying stone, working in the rain, tending to the horses, cleaning bunks, construction, etc.

Sometimes they just put them through hours of training.


Hange's vice captain came to them one morning at breakfast in the empty mess hall.

"Erwin and the other Squad leaders want to see you all after breakfast."

"Ok" Bertholdt said. They waited for Moblit to leave.

Moblit felt the tension. "I'm to escort you all"


Moblit led them down a long hallway, down two flights of stairs.

They found themselves in a cold stone basement, lit but lamps. Around a long oak table sat Erwin, Levi, Hange, Mike, Nanaba, and an empty seat that they assumed was for Moblit.

"Have a seat" Erwin said.

They sat down. "Tea?" Hange offered.

They all declined.

Moblit poured tea for everyone anyways.

"I believe a round of introductions are in order. This is Captain Mike Zacharis, his Vice-captain Nanaba, Captain Hange her Vice-captain Moblit, and Captain Levi, and his Vice—"

"Was bitten in half by Ms. Leonhart" Levi said coldly. "What was his name again?"

"Vice-Captain Eld Ginn" Annie said quietly.

Erwin shot Levi a look.

"I think we've decided a plan of action" Erwin said. "We need to get the Marley government here, and we have the perfect bait"

"Us?" Reiner said.

"Specifically Annie, given our plan was to take you into custody...yes we figured it out you were the female Titan, well Armin did" Erwin said. "Don't look so surprised Annie, Armin is very intelligent."

"What do you need us to do?" asked Bertholdt.

"Contact your captain, whoever they may be, let them know that Annie is in our custody, they should come to us right?" Mike asked.

"I think you overestimate how much the Marely government actually cares about us" Annie said flatly.

"But they will take some action, especially if you also tell them you have the founding titan and Attack Titan" Levi said.

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