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                              Chapter One

The time starts now!

I can feel the stares piercing into the back of my neck. As well as the others. You can hear every sound. The judges whisper about each artist, the sound of pencils and pens, paints getting mixed together. We are all creating something Beautiful and yet so disgusting. We hate each other as well as we lift each other up. We paint what we see in this case, I paint two lovers getting pulled apart by dying. While one is going to heaven the other is going to hell. Meaningful, not too out there. I'm playing it safe and yet just out there on the edge being a little cocky. We have 3 hours. It's a short period for what I'm going for but I'm not rushing. I need this to be good, no not good grate, nay the best. Yes, the best. Around the hour fifty minute mark we got to stretch and snack if we so chose.

I stretched then went back to work. One of the guys started crying. A girl shaking so badly knocked down her easel. I felt bad but this is not the time both were eliminated. Forty minutes were left. More than Half of the people I came in with were no longer there. I'm almost done safe to say I will be on top. The colors and the feeling I get as I look into it. As if it's living, all that is left is small details and my signature. Twenty minutes left I see some are done, the rest still going at it. My signature is there front and back. Sixty seconds left and I'm done. I'm proud of what I have accomplished. The next 20 minutes of hell had arrived. We took our Final art pieces and put them on a wall. Although most canvases were still wet, some of the art on paper, and some were completely dry because they finished way too early. However it didn't matter each person had their art on that wall. We each felt accomplished. Every person would still get money but the one who would win would get the most. We all need to win but I will win. We got told to dismiss and take a break while the judges discussed our art.

We went into a common room. Many people just collapsed on the couch as well as two ran into the kitchen, and one just went to a table staring out of the big window. I however washed my hands, grabbed a banana and sat with the girl staring out. "I can't believe we've been here all day." A voice I didn't expect. "I'm sorry? Oh yes I know I got here around twelve P.M. and now it's six." I said to the young woman. "I'm Chaeyoung '' she put her hand out "Venus" I put mine as well and shook her hand. "How do you think you did?" I questioned "I don't know I hope I did good. At least I stuck it out." She covered her mouth and looked back to the side with the window. I suppose she was done talking. I ate my banana then fell asleep on the table. After an hour or so we got called back to the room. They made us stand by our art. There were enough people to cover almost every wall. They said names that didn't make the top ten. They gave each of them a small check of $50-$150 depending on how high or low they were. A few left crying, the rest stayed out of respect. The. they said the names who didn't make it in the top five. They got A bigger check of $450-$600 again depending on how far they were. My name wasn't said so that means I'm in the top five! The next one was who wasn't in the top three two names were said and I was shaking. The names where... Alice Portobello and Aleaha king. They got $1500 each. I'm in the top three.

In third place with the prize of $2000 Kim Yong.

In second place with the prize of $2500 ..... ........

In first place with the prize of $3450 Son Chaeyoung.

I'm in second. Second. Me I'm in second. All I can hear is that idiotic woman with the foundation that doesn't even match her face saying my name. Venus Augustus. Second place... Not only that Chaeyoung is the one who won. The one who stop talking to me is like she knew she was going to when. That little-. "Hey we did it!" The one who one said to me "why do you look so upset you came in second! That's great." "It's because you came first." I mumbled clenching my fist because I feel like I will lose it. "Hey we should celebrate!" Yong said "You know like the big three. Come on it will be fun! "He was determine "yeah that sounds like fun." I'll just play along although I am not happy, they are. We all slowly left as we congratulate each other. "And then there was three" Yong sounds very tired and yet happy every time he talks. "So where should we go to "celebrate". I made sure to use air quotes. "I a place we can go and it's just down the street! Follow me." Chaeyoung said, waving her hand at us and started walking down the street. We followed her into a little street restaurant called Dragon food. "Ta-da here we are! I used to come here all the time as a kid." She exclaimed to us. So did I though I never seen her here before. "Oh this is nice can we sit?" Yong asked I feel like he's a bit dumb if you see seats then just think about what you can do. Are there seats? If so, sit If not, don't. "Yeah you can just be careful though it's sung inside. You know don't knock anything over " I said and went to walk inside.
Oh you've been here before? Cheayoung asked me, Yeah I used to know the granddaughter of the owners. I came here all the time as a kid." "No way that's so cool! What is her name?" Yong said in a squeaky tone. "Oh I don't know it's been so long. I think her nickname used to be tiger though." "Why because she was fierce? I don't know if I believe you. What else do you remember?" She used to come by all the time on holidays and summer to help her grandpa. Then she didn't... I don't know why. Can we go inside now?" I asked and went to walk away but Yong ran in first . I tried to go next but Cheayoung just had to start talking. I didn't know you been here before. Why didn't you say anything?" She questioned me "I didn't think it was important to mention. Plus I didn't know where we were going to eat until we got here. I mean you did keep it from us. I told her Oh right, I suppose that's true , I should have said something. Do you even like the food here? I'm sorry if not. She was just rambling on and on. Yes I do. I have been here a lot since I came back to Korea. Also like I said earlier I used to come here all the time as a kid, now can you stop talking and worrying and just walk inside please. I opened the door and pointed. She walked inside and sat where Yong was What took you guys so long I almost ordered the whole menu! I swear him and his sweekey ass voice Sorry we were talking about how much we like this place. The girl said to him.. The food came and then we actually talked and laughed for hours. I was surprised that we didn't get kicked out. After we finished eating and drinking we all paid for our meals. Young was passed out on the table. Hes such a lightweight. I laughed when Chaeyoung said this as she hiccupped. So what are we going to do with him? I asked What do you mean? Well we dont know where he lives nor where his car is since we walked here. Right, I guess we should have thought of that. Right, I suppose he could stay at one of our places just for the night. Or hear me out okay. I'm all ears We just leave him here Cheayoung said and smerid Grab your cote! I said with a laugh and ran outside putting my jacket on waiting for her. She ran out with her jacket and bag almost falling down the stairs from the endtrenst. Whoa calm down be careful. Right, sorry! No worries, come on, I'll walk you home, maybe we can get something to sober you up. I said to her and she grabbed my arm and started walking. There's a loco stand up here where we can get sweets as well.
We walked up to the stand but as we walked he held onto my arm for dear life as if she was in danger but obviously she wasn't as much as i am mad at her i would of course protractor her right? Two waters and one large cotton candy please and thank you. I came back to reality when she tried to hand the water to me. Thank you. Do you want to sit? Sure why not. She practically ran over to the bench like god calm down you're not a kid. I sat down next to her. It was quiet and nice. The wind blew slowly and the stars were achelly out which almost never happens. It was peaceful. So what did you paint? and now it wasnt I'm sorry? You know at the comatishen , what did you paint? I mean it had to be good since you were in second I just wanted to lose it like why did you even have to say anything. It was nice, it was peaceful! I could just smack her. I GET IT I GOT SECOUNT i know i got second why did you have to fucking say anything Venus? Hello Venus? I should get you home, let's go. I stood up and walked away. Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry I didn't mean to say something bad. No, you're fine, let's go. She got up and grabbed my arm. It was quiet i was just trying not to lose it i don't need to cause a scene just to yell at her. "I'm sorry." The woman said softly "Why? You didnt do anything its just late and i have work in the morning." i didn't look at her when i spook i just kept looking forward. "I didn't think about the fact you might be upset for not getting first place." silence filled up around us.
It felt like we were swept into a room with little oxygen. I didn't know what to say. Like yeah you didn't or it's okay because i'm not mad, I would just lie straight to her face I don't want to do that but then again what else do I do? "This is my place." We stopped in front of a run down place with patchwork of white paint trying to cover the rust and crack covering the sides of the place. The railing was falling off and the yard was a wreck. There is no way this is where she lives. "Hey look, no need to apologize. I am upset about it but it's no big deal." "Don't..." "Don't what?" "Don't apologize because you see where I live, I won't take pity." "And I'm not giving it. Trust me I'm just telling you the truth because that's what I would want." "Yeah okay." She said letting go of my arm and going up the stairs, the heir apparent to unlock the front. "Hey..."  "yeah?" "I painted two lovers getting torn apart from each other by heaven and hell Have a good night." I said to her and walked away "Goodnight!" I heard her yell from afar.

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