Chaser and a Light Touch

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It was simultaneously dark and light, one bright window of light sitting in front of him while the rest of him was surrounded in darkness. The only sound he heard was the familiar clicking of his keyboard as his fingers continued to argue against the doubters, the nay-sayers, the unbelievers online.

They all thought he was a fool or a liar or both. A child chasing rumors of something that never, ever existed. And without any proof, all he could do is argue and fight.

It was all he felt like doing for the past week. Fight. Fight. Fight. FIGHT.

He felt angry, poisoned by hatred. He just wanted to shut the world out and remain in darkness. Only here, in his sanctum, would he be safe.

Only here, he wouldn't deal with betrayal.

He switched browsers, going to one where he was logged into another account, where he parroted his own points and agreed with himself, creating someone who would be his friend, someone who would really trust him and believe in him.

Not like Horace who abandoned him in the dark, and the rain.

He didn't need real friends. A real friend would only betray him, only leave him.


Her voice came to him, and he felt like he was being torn in two. He felt his heart leap into his throat, and he desperately wanted to turn around. But the hatred that had been building within him shackled him to this desk, his eyes glued to the computer that stood in front of him.

He opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"Goh, you haven't come to school at all this week," Chloe said. "I brought over all your homework, and I thought we could work on it together if you'd like."

"Why, so you can just betray me, too?!"

He stood up from the chair and turned toward her. Surprise colored her face, lit up by the computer monitors that stood behind him. "G-Goh, what are you talking about?"

"Why did you ever bother coming over here? Because you felt bad for me?"

"I came here because I was worried about you!" she shouted back.

"That's just your emotions talking! I can take care of myself."

"But, Goh-"

"I don't need you around me constantly trying to protect me! Stop feeling sorry for me!"

Chloe found her footing in the conversation and glared at him back sharply, her eyes becoming cold and sharp. "Goh, what's gotten into you?! I'm your friend! I'm trying to help you!"

"Who said I ever wanted your help! You're going to just set me up and abandon me, just like-"

"Just like?"

"Just like-!"

With a sudden thwack, the dream he was having vanished like a bubble popped by Grookey's Branch Poke.

Goh sat up in a daze, turning over to look at Grookey as the chimp sat on the bed next to him with his stick at the ready, prepared to strike Goh again should whatever was happening continue.

Goh put his hand to his forehead, where Grookey hit him. It was dead center above and between his eyes. That spot Chloe would flick when he was being unreasonable.


Her name came from his lips unbidden.

The nightmare he was just having wasn't a conversation Goh had ever really had with Chloe. He was always too timid to confront her, and even in his bleakest moments, he never really hated her. If anything, he used her more than he ever did, having her ferry excuses or homework to school in his stead. Even as she became disinterested in Pokémon, she always seemed to be available to help him or talk to him. Even as they would bicker and snipe at each other, there was always an element of light and kindness to how Chloe treated him.

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