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 What an intense chapter! Hello again, this is Purim, and I'm the author of this series, 'One Who Chases'.

This chapter is one that I've been building up to all year long, it feels like. Not only did I get to reveal the GS Ball's hidden secret, but Goh and Chloe finally found the time, the words, and the confidence to truly admit their feelings to each other. Finally, there are no more secrets between them! At least ones that hurt the other.

The theme behind this story is 'secrets'. Why do we keep secrets from one another, what does it mean to keep a secret? I think the truth will set you free. But there are times when you must keep a secret, either to protect yourself or protect those you love, and I think that takes a lot of strength, too, especially when revealing it could hurt people around you.

I hope you, reader, think about what secrets you're holding and why you're hiding them. Much like Kurt, maybe you just need someone who will understand. Or maybe, like Goh, you just need the right time and place.

It feels strange writing this afterword now. If you've been keeping up with Pokémon Journeys as it airs in Japan, then you might understand that something momentous occurred. I'm thinking about how this and the currently uncertain future will impact the plans I made, but just like Ash, I hope to turn this pinch into a chance! I hope you continue to enjoy what I have in store for Goh, Chloe, and their friends! Because while our main couple may finally be together, the adventure isn't over.

The next main book, 'Chaser and the Ruined Kingdom', starts in three weeks on December 3rd, 2022, and should carry us into the new year! This will begin the third and final leg of the story I started back when I was originally planning One Who Chases, so that means there will be another short time skip as we allow more episodes into this series' canon. We'll be cutting things very close as we go all the way to JN110, Narrowing the Chaser Chase! (Japanese: 裏切りのバトルロイヤル or The Battle Royale of Betrayal!). Though, if you're curious about the sidestories, you needn't watch that far, only up to JN107 Big Brother to the Rescue! (Japanese: 助けて、ワンパチのアニキ! Help, Big Brother Wanpachi!). I really really recommend checking them the first one next week, if you can find time away from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet versions.

I'm looking forward to starting my journey in Paldea, but I'm also working very hard to finish Book 9, which I planned as the grand climax to the story that began in 'Chaser and the Temple of Stone'. I also have ideas for where the story can go after that, but what form that takes is still murky... Please cheer me on as I continue this story, and I hope you enjoy the side stories and Book 7!

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