The Masked Stranger

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Requested by Drip_Sans. Hope you enjoy.

Drip, a 198cm skeleton monster, walked around the street of an au called Internettale. The au was... surprisingly peaceful. The monster and human race worked together, a strange sight to see in an au that literally has monsters that function with internet.

He made small notes of how each human greeted him with respect, just like a pacifist Underswap timeline.

Someone bumped into him, causing him to almost lose balance, but he caught himself. The other person, not so lucky, had fallen on their bottom." Ugh- Oh- I am so sorry for bumping into you!" A female voice said, sounding genuinely sorry." I didn't mean to bump into you like that!- I was in a rush!"

He turned around and his masked skull saw the fragile figure of a human. She must be around 23 years old from her matured voice." It's fine." He said, bending his knees and outstretched a skeletal hand." The most important thing now is: are you okay?" Her cheeks turned pink. Was she embarrassed?

" A-ah! Yes! I- I am! Thank you!" She took his skeletal hand, being helped up by the new skeleton." M-my name is Network. It is nice you er"" Drip." An odd name in her opinion." It is nice to meet you Drip. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a grumpy wolf to deal with." Wolf? W-" Network! Give me my Maonaise!"" BYEITWASGREATTOSEEYOU!" Her words were fast and almost hard to understand, but he understood what she said.

She ran past him, a blur of blonde and black following in suit after them." Strange." He muttered, walking the path he originally had used and saw an alley way.


" A masked skeleton? In Internettale?" Celebrate muttered, blue orbs narrowed at the skeleton walking past her hideout in the alley way." He has to be from SharedMaskTale. There is no doubt that he is exploring this au with that ghost." She followed him to Network's home, where Network and Crusher fought over Maonaise.

She wanted to make sure that this au would be secret- hidden from other aus!


He felt as if he was being watched, followed to Network's home." Who's there?" His voice was deeper by a note, aura intimidating." Me." A female human revealed herself from behind the trash bins, mascara and weird tattoos on her pale face.

He relaxed, knowing that the human was much weaker than him in magic; but not by SOUL." How did you get in this au? I am pretty sure that the creator made it to not let anyone in." Creator?" What do you mean?" She scoffed, a rude gesture in his sockets.

" I have seen the creator of this AU and my Multiverse," She spoke seeming to forget about their rough start," they are the one that gave me access to this AU." The way she described her creator gave him an idea of what said creator is like." Back to the topic: how did you get in here?"


Celebrate saw that he was confused, brushed it off, thinking that he was trying to act innocent." I... actually don't know..." What? Her hard gaze faltered." What do you mean?"" I just woke up in this AU... I don't remember ever teleporting in here..." Something clicked in her mind.

" Follow me." She turned on her heel, hearing the skeleton scrambling to get to her with his own pace." Why are you being-"" I know what your purpose is here." He was even more confused, to say the least. One second, she's defensive and then the next second; she's helping him.


They both stopped infront of a massive building, a building Drip has never seen in any AU or timeline before: Mystery Club." Let's first go to my resting chambers before I explain what is going on." She grabbed his skeletal hand, forcing him to follow her.


" So, let me get this straight. I am here to literally eat someone?"" Yes."" And that the Creator will send me back to my AU?"" Yes. That sums it up." Drip was very surprised when the female, now known to him as Celebrate, told him how to get out of the AU." But, who can I eat?"" You can eat me. I have dealt with getting eaten too many times to count."

He got nervous. Would Chara attack the girl? Will he be able to fight for control?" If you are worrying about Chara then don't. If anything, the Creator has granted you with a special gift that would include Chara being with a human to annoy the hell out of them." He smiled." Okay, let's begin."


Celebrate took off her shoes and socks, not wanting to get any dirt inside of him." Ready?" She looked at him." Yeah." And so, Drip held her shoulders, mask on the bedside table.

His maw opened, revealing black insides with saliva dripping from the roof of his maw.

His tongue slithered out and guided her head in the wet cavern, trapping her shoulders in his black maw. She could hear the gentle thumping of his SOUL beating like a heart, something she found calming.


It wasn't long before her head was pulled into the dark tunnel, eyes closed to prevent the saliva to het in her eyes.

Another gulp brought her shoulders in his maw, head sinking further into his esophagus. She had to force herself to stay as still as possible, not wanting to accidentally harm him.


She began to feel him him start to slurp her up like a snake, her sliding in his esophagus and her head slipping in his stomach.

The rest of her reached her destination, curled into a ball and calmly rubbing the walls in his stomach." So," He began, Celebrate feeling him shift," how long before I can return to my au?"" In an hour. So, we have plenty of time to get to know each other." She chuckled when he began rambling on how it was unfair.

To be continued

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