𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝑨𝒈𝒐

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January 16
5:00 a.m.

Erina woke up with a smile on her face. She had a great sleep because of her dream. It was about her crush, Xiao Nai of Love O2O. He finally chose her over Wei Wei, and he married her, and they lived happily ever after. She believed that her day would be magical because nothing beats a good dream and a great sleep.

She got up, and she started to stretch her arms and waist. It's only 5:00 a.m., but her day is already perfect. She can't wait to go to school and share her good vibes with everybody.

She fixed her bed and stacked her pillows in the proper way. She also folded her blanket and put it on top of one of her pillows.

She went out of her room with her bath towel and went to their bathroom, which was beside their kitchen. She saw her mother cooking fried rice, so Erina greeted her.

“Good morning, Mama.” She said it happily and excitedly.

“It looks like you had a good sleep, Riri.”

Erina pouted because she had heard the nickname that she hated. It was her nickname when she was young.

“Mama, it's Erina. Please don't call me Riri again. You know, I hate that nickname,” Erina told her mother before entering the bathroom.

She opened the faucet and waited for it to fill the tub.

While waiting, she started to brush her teeth and wash her face with soap. She also started to sing Taylor Swift's song "Clean." That was always her jam when waiting for the tub to be filled.

After five minutes, her tub was finally filled with water, so she undressed herself and got her little dipper to work its magic. She filled the dippers with water and poured it on herself. She repeated it a couple of times before putting shampoo on her hair and letting it stay for a minute. She rinsed her hair five times before adding a hair conditioner to make her hair smooth and soft, then rinsed it again after three minutes. She took a body wash, and she poured a bit of it on their body scrub and scrubbed it on her body. Yeah, work it, baby. After five minutes of scrubbing, Erina was finally certain that her body was free from dirt and dead skin. She rinsed herself again a few times before wrapping her body with her bath towel. She comes out of the bathroom, and her bathroom routine is complete.

Erina greeted her mother again before returning to her room. She plugged in her hair blower and blew her hair because she hates going out with wet hair, so she always dried it before going to school.

After blowing her hair, she wiped her body with her towel and then got dressed in her school uniform. She wore her pink wristwatch, and she looked at the time. She took a deep breath when she saw that it was only 5:45 a.m. She went down to their kitchen again, and her mother was already done preparing their breakfast when she arrived.

She sat down in her seat, and she started to pray. He thanked God for the food, for a new day, and for all the blessings they received. After the prayer, Erina and her mother began to eat their breakfast.

“Is Gabriel going to pick you up?” Her mother asked her.

She nearly choked on her food, but thank God her mother handed her a glass of water. After drinking all of it, she looked at her mother with disbelief.

“How many times have I told you, Mama? It was almost a month ago when Gabriel and I decided to go to school separately.”

That was a lie. Erina was the only one who decided to go to school alone.

“Is there a problem between you two? two?” Her mother asked her. “What happened? Did you fight? Is it because of Gabriel's new girlfriend?”

Erina cannot believe her mother. How many times did she explain to her mother about her current relationship with Gabriel? Sometimes, her mother is too restless when it comes to Gabriel.

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