Fire Noodle Mistakes (TH)

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Sick person : Taehyung
Caretakers : Jungkook, Yoongi

(Taehyung eats a few too much spicey fire noodles and it does a number on his tummy)

3rd person POV

Taehyung knew his limits most of the time when it came to food, sure every now and then he'd eat too much and have to sleep off a food coma but most of the time he was pretty good. Most of the time. Taehyung just couldn't resist and he'd kind of brushed off his spice tolerance.

Thus why he has four empty cups which used to contain spicey-fire-ramen sitting in front of him—taunting him with their emptiness. God he really wishes he hadn't eaten four, one is bad enough. What's worst is that he ate them on an empty stomach, meaning that each spicey hiccup he brought up came with a burning sensation.

His tummy is aching and his mouth is on fire, initially the flavour of the noodles was amazing on Taehyung's taste buds, so he ate more and more. Before he knew it he'd eaten four of them. Taehyung opens a can of coke, chugging it to quench his thirst and soothe the burning. He feels even fuller and bubbly but his mouth isn't raging anymore.

"V-hyung~~" Jungkook singsongs his way into Taehyung's hotel room, they were intending to spend some time together, chill out and watch a movie while snacking on diet-restricted food. Well that plan's out the window.


Jungkook takes in the sight, empty noodle cups and miserable, hiccuping Taehyung cradled on the couch. "Ggukie... I made a mistake.." Taehyung whines, burping softly and grimacing when he has to swallow a warm feeling in his throat. Jungkook rushes over to his youngest hyung, at lost for words.

"Ughh... my tummy doesn't feel good, it's so angry at me." Taehyung places a hand on his middle, face scrunching up uncomfortably. Jungkook's worked it out now, just by reading the label and the deep red colour to the ramen cups, Taehyung's overdone it on spicey food. Very much a Taehyung thing to do.

"Hyung, have you drank some water? You know how your stomach gets with spicey food. Silly hyung." Jungkook smiles at the last bit, hoping this isn't one of the bad cases that's happened twice before where Taehyung threw up on the carpet at their dorm and Seokjin spent ages cleaning. Taking a seat next to the older, Jungkook hands over a bottle of water.

"This might make you feel better Taetae." Jungkook lifts the bottle to Taehyung's lips and he takes a few sips. Taehyung's still hiccuping like crazy and the heartburn it comes with only makes him feel worse. He cuddles into Jungkook's chest, feeling bad he has to expose himself like this to his only dongsaeng.

"Kook-ah...." Taehyung whines, "Yes, hyung?" Jungkook combs Taehyung's hair and looks down at the older in his chest. "I don't feel good..." Taehyung admits, although his behaviour made it fairly obvious anyways. "Do you want me to get one of the hyungs, Tae?" Jungkook hopes he doesn't have to but he knows their support is critical when a member is sick or feeling off.

Taehyung ponders the question, he feels really bad and another person to cling to sounds amazing. He gives a shy nod and Jungkook's heart aches as he pulls up Yoongi's contact. Yoongi-hyung won't scold him.

Yoongi picks up on the first ring—"Kook? Hey, what's up?" Yoongi sounds ready for bed, Jungkook hopes he hasn't disturbed him. "Hi hyung, I'm with Taehyungie-hyung, um... he uh.. I need your help. Can you please come over? We're at his hotel room." Jungkook asks, Taehyung listens for the response of the rapper. "Of course, I'll be there in a few minutes, you two better not have gotten into trouble." Yoongi replies, half threatening but a layer of sincerity is underneath.

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