Chapter One

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"Two points Tay, that's all we need to win this game," I thought to myself as our libero, Becca, walked backwards behind the service line.

She bounced the volleyball on the floor two times waiting for the whistle to blow. The ball was tossed into the air. Becca took three steps, alternating feet, and jumped after the third step. She smacked the ball hard to the ground on the other side. One point to go.

The middle on the other side rolled the ball under the net, and Becca repositioned herself behind the service line repeating the steps. The ball was hit to the back row and bumped up to their setter.

Bump. Set. Spike.

I jumped up, successfully blocked the hit, and proceeded to spike it down to the far left corner where it was unreturnable. As I came down from the spike, I felt a small sharp pain in my right ankle. I easily ignored it because this was the first time in my four years of playing we had the opportunity to win a championship.

"Lakers! Lakers! Lakers!" The crowd chanted.

I walked over to the rest of my team. We were especially happy because it was the first time in five years a volleyball team from Michigan made it to the championship.

"Atta babe, Tay," Becca, aka my best friend since diapers, exclaimed patting my back.

Becca has been my best friend for as long as I remember. Our moms became friends in high school and got pregnant around the same time. We ended up being born four days apart. Ironically, I was the older one, even though she is 6 inches taller than me. As kids, we did everything and anything together, and we still do to this day.

"I wouldn't have been able to do that if it was for your serving," I smiled giving her a hug.

We lined up along the net and ran down it giving everyone a high five and a "good game".

Heading into the locker room, I got stopped by our athletic trainer, Alex Donovan.

"Hey Taylor, are you alright? I saw you landed funny on your ankle." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Um, yeah, I was just stunned for a second. I'm okay right now, thank you though." I shook off his hand and jogged into the locker room.

The whole entire locker room was buzzing with excitement for our win. Coach Paxton stepped onto one of the benches that were in the middle of our locker room and told us to gather around.

"Alright ladies, I am so proud of you for tonight's win. However, we are not finished. Celebrate this win for now, but as soon as tomorrow comes along be ready to work your asses off. We have seven days until the big game and that is not nearly enough time. Go straight home and get a full nights rest. We leave at six for Chicago, so be ready. See you girls tomorrow." Coach Paxton stepped off the bench and led us out the back door of the locker room.

Becca and I walked five minutes across the campus to the building of our dorm room. On the way to the elevator, we received several congratulations from several people, some of which we didn't even know.

I pressed the button and waited for the door to open. Hearing a group of guys talking loud and drunkenly, I jabbed the button excessively. The door opened, and Becca and I scurried in. My eyes nervously searched for the close button to try to stop the intoxicated guys from coming in because nothings worse than a group of drunk guys hitting on you.

Just as I thought it was safe, I saw a foot preventing the elevator door from closing. My breathing began to speed up, and my hands clenched into fists. This was not just a random group of drunks.

"What's a matter, sweet cheeks?" One of the guys reached for my fist, but I swatted his hand away.

"Damn, Tay, why are you being so hostile?" He grabbed my hand before I could get it away, and he forcefully opened my fist looking at the four, fresh scars my nails engraved into my palm. I looked away from him and my fist.

"I see you still haven't gotten over this little habit," he traced my palm with his index finger.

"Just leave her alone, Joe," Becca took my hand from him.

"What? All of a sudden Taylor's too scared to defend herself?" His thumb went down the side of my face, and I looked away.

Becca dodged the question, "So, what happened to the red head? Done with her so soon? Or wait, let me guess, you're still trying to get Taylor back?"

His bloodshot eyes narrowed as the elevator landed on our floor. Becca pushed past Joe and his thugs pulling me along with her into the hallway ignoring his response.

I walked into the room and fell into my bed face first as hot tears began running down my face.

"Aw Taylor, I thought we were passed all the crying," Becca wiped the tears away from my face with a tissue.

"I don't even know why I'm crying," I sniffed and swallowed hard, "I know he's a jerk and I don't want to see him or be with him."

"Honestly, I don't understand what you saw in that guy in the first place. Like I knew he was a douche before I even met the guy," Becca shook her head.

"It's that stupid smile and those stupid dimples and those stupid, beautiful eyes that just looked right through me, and I fell for his stupid little act."

She laughed, "Say stupid one more time."

"Stupid." I smiled and laughed with her.

"It's a shame, though, how someone that good looking could be such a loser," Becca walked over and grabbed our suit cases.

"Loser doesn't even begin to describe him," I sighed unzipping my suitcase.

I walked over to my hamper and grabbed the clothes that needed to get washed. I put a couple pair of spandex, running shorts, cut offs, and t-shirts in my suitcase. I didn't need to bring as much clothes because my mom lived in a home about 45 minutes away from Chicago and that's where Becca and I would be staying and most of my stuff was at home anyways.

"I think I'm going to take a quick shower, okay?" Becca said putting the last piece of clothing in her suitcase.

"Alright," I nodded.

"Please try not to think about Joe, okay? I hate seeing you upset." Becca walked over to the bathroom.

"I'll try," I smiled a little.

I changed out of my warm up suit into a racer back tank top and a pair of short running shorts.

As soon as I got in bed, my phone rang. I just ignored it.

About a minute later, my phone lit up again signaling a voicemail.

I yawned, got up from my bed, and walked over to my desk where my phone was.

I let the voicemail play:

Tay-lorrr. Why didn't you tell me you were going to go to Chicago this week? I got some boys who would love to see you. They're real hounds. Ok, I gotta go, but the elevator thing? Yeah not the last you'll see of me. I can promise you that. Oh, and by the way those shorts look good on you. You never wore anything like that when we were dating, but hey, that's none of my business. Good night, Taywhore.

My heart started beating fast as I ran to the window. As I was about to close the drapes, I saw the outline of Joe's body waving up to me. If he was trying to scare me, it worked... so much for not thinking of him.

Author's note: Alrighty , this concludes Chapter One! Please be sure to vote and leave a comment letting me know how you like this. Keep in mind this is my first story, so it might not be as great as some of the other ones here on Wattpad, but I will try my hardest! Thank you for reading! -Jess :)

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