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"I had to. I need safety in this city. Roman can offer me that." Harley whines.

"Harley, he'll kill her. She's a kid. Who made one mistake, but she doesn't deserve to die for that." I shout.

My eyes flash green.

"Brookie, I'm sorry but-" A loud knock echoes throughout the room.

"Don't open that." Harley ignores me.

"That was fast." Harley opens the door but is instantly kicked in the stomach.

"I said don't open it." I mock.

"Where's Cassandra Cain?" The cop asks.

"You. Again." Harley exclaims. Then she dodges a few punches from the cop before looking at her confused.

"She's drunk." I explain.

I sigh at Harley's stupidity before blasting the cop.

She flies back and straight into the glass window, breaking it and she flies out of it onto the ground below.

"You wonder why I hate people." I mumble.

An agonizing pain shoots through my stomach as I look down and see what looks like the end of a knife sticking out of my stomach. I let out a scream as it is pulled out.

"Fucking bastard." I grit out falling to my knees.

"Now that's not very nice." Zsasz said. " I thought we were starting to get along."

Everything goes blurry and everyone's voice seem muffled but I can hear arguing and screaming. Then I hear a voice.

"Brookie." Harley shouts. "Hello, my friend is dying."

Then I hear more arguing and screaming and a bunch of pain. Then my vision clears and I'm still in a lot of pain but it's bearable. I quickly look up and see Zsasz's dead body.

"Well, he deserved it, didn't he? And who the hell is this chick?" Harley laughs at my answer before hugging me.

"Brookie, I thought you were going to die." Harley sniffles.

"I don't do sentimentality." I quickly stand up. "Now what the fuck are we standing around for?"

Then all of a sudden, explosions and gunshots start going off all around us.

Completed//Part 2: Voodoo Impulse- Birds of PreyWhere stories live. Discover now