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"Quick down here." Harley shouts opening up a trapdoor to a slide.

Me and Harley quickly slide down. On my way down, I let my eyes turn their bright venom green embracing my powers. We all reach the bottom and the hunter chick is last to come down stabbing someone as she comes out the end.

We all stop to stare at her.

"What?" She questions.

"You are so cool." Harley replies. "Okay. This way."

We start walking until we get surrounded by a bunch of thugs.

"Get ready, ladies."

I blast a thug before turning around and kicking one below the belt. I whisper a curse making the two thugs fly back into a few other thugs. One tries to swipe my legs to just stamp on his leg until I hear a sickening crunch and the thug whimpers in pain. My hands are surrounded by smoke and I grab one of the thug by the shoulders before he just puffs into ash.

"So cool." Canary whispers.

I bounce on a trampoline and throat punch one of them. They fall to the ground clutching their throat coughing loudly. I laugh at them. I make my way onto a spinning platform with hands on it. I duck under Harley's hammer as she chucks it. I glare at her but she just smirks. I continue to curse and push the thugs until there is only one left standing but Harley kicks him where it hurts and he collapses onto his knees.

"Please no more." He begs before just collapsing.

We make our way towards the door.

"Is anyone else hungry, I know a great taco truck." Harley asks.

A gunshot goes off and Montoya falls to the ground. I grab her and pull her back with help from Harley. Gunshots start to echo around me as Harley checks on Montoya. Cassandra's shouts sound as I see Roman dragging her away.

"They got the kid." I tell Harley.

"You can't let him get her." Montoya hands her a gun.

"Shit. Only one bullet." Harley shouts. "Has anyone got any bullets."

"I'm out." Canary shouts back and Huntress shakes her head.

"We can't get out there. I just need to get through. We gotta go, we gotta move." Harley shouts. "They're getting away. Guys come on there closing in."

I collapse against the wall, my stomach wound finally taking its toll on me.

"Canary, you know what you have to do." Montoya shouts.

Canary sighs loudly, "Cover your ears." She points at Harley. "You better get her back."

I look down at my stomach the blood was starting to drip down. I place my hands over the wound.

"Shit." Huntress runs towards me and places her hands over the wound.

Canary runs out and screams causing all the men and cars to fly back and boosts her Harley forward towards the car.

"You gotta go help her." I whisper.

"But you." I gestures to my stomach.

"I'll be fine." I mumble. "Go." 

She takes off running. 


I teleport to Harley as Cassandra runs towards her and Roman lunges for them.

But as soon as he was about to touch her I push him over the ledge. He falls but blows up before he touched the sea.

"So gross." I groan.

"Brookie." A squeal echoes as two pairs of arms wrap around me.

"No, I don't do hugs." I try to wriggle out of the hug but their arms tighten.

"Cass. Brook. Harley." A voice shouts.

"We're ok." Harley says.

"He's gone." Huntress says.

Me and Harley nod at her.

"Good. Fuck that guy." Montoya replies.

"Tacos." Harley chirps.


"I love the fucking name, Huntress." Canary argues.

"Really?" Huntress questions.

"Great name." Harley nods.

"Kid if that burrito doesn't make you shit. I don't know what will." I say.

"Give me a minute." Cassandra says making everyone else cheer.

"I gave her prune juice, laxatives. I mean the kid has a stomach made of steel." Harley scoffs making Canary laugh.

"How's your stomach anyway." Montoya asks.

"It's all good. All healed." I reply smiling at her.

"Uh, Harley bring the colander."  Cassandra shouts.

"Ladies." Harley nods before grabbing my hand pulling me with her.

"Why do I have to come with?" Harley just winks at me.

We end up in Canary's car. "Oh this is why."


"I know what you thinking, you think we're dicks after all that. But you heard what the cop said, Sionis is gone and those guys are gonna be just fine. Montoya's boss picked up all the gang bangers at the Booby Trap and took all the credit while he was at it again. That was the kick in the balls she needed to see that she had nothing to prove to those assholes. She quit the same day. We got the secret bank codes of the diamond and huntress got her family money back. She's using it to fund a little crime fighting outfit. They call themselves the birds of prey. The rock itself was worth a chunk of change so I pawned it. And I invested it in a little start up in the east end."

Me, Harley and Cass rode down the street in Canary's car wearing stylish clothes.

Completed//Part 2: Voodoo Impulse- Birds of PreyWhere stories live. Discover now