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✫*Y/N'S POV*✫

They talked to a camera as I and Mabel waited, they were talking to a Camera as a Young Girl approached, we paused as if to see if she was alive or dead.
She was dead.

Mabel and Her played together, going Round and round around the Men and girls,
They had Kris and Celina again.
"Mabel, "I spoke not realizing they could hear my voice on that box.
"Dude are you back again?"Sam asked; he had a tired look on his face.

Colby and Sam both let out a groan as Mabel Grabbed onto Colby's hand.
I let out a shrill at this as Colby tried to let go.
"Guys something got my hand!"He yelled as they all panicked.
I walked up to sam and gave him a kiss, A very short one; Almost like a pec.

Sam let out a yelp as they all backed away.
I quickly did the same to Colby as I grabbed onto Mabel's hand and The other girl's hand, Which we learned was called Helen.

She said how she was lonely and asked me if I could be her mother, as her own had abandoned her.
When I found that out, I felt Angry.

I agreed, of course.
Mabel had always wanted a sister and a father; Since I was dead and could no longer reproduce and how hers had killed her and me.
She now has a sister and Two fathers.
What else could she need?

We all flickered together as we appeared to them.
"Hello, my dears."They all let out screams, Just like we did that day.
"We thought you only had one, daughter?!" yelled Kris as I just chuckled.
"She may not be my own, But I will treat her as my own."
Kris and Celina nodded.
I just smiled.
"Sam, Colby."They both looked at me, Uninterested.
"Meet your daughters.''As I said that Mabel and Helen ran up to them a smile on both girls' faces.
"They aren't ours?"Colby said.
"Yes, they are. Just because you didn't help make them, doesn't mean you can't help look after them both." they both groaned.
"Why should We, We aren't even with u?"Sam asked.
"Please, I get lonely and you both are the only men who I would never dare to harm.
I have followed you everywhere,
I know it is selfish.
But I want you both to myself,
So please, be mine?"We all flickered away and became ghost form after my sentence.
"I guess?"Colby responded as Sam just nodded.
"Looks like you both just got into a relationship," Celina said as they all started trying to talk to the ghosts.
The Ghosts in the room just looked at us.
"Are you going to go so we can speak to them?"Asked an Old man.
I just rolled my eyes as me And my Two Gorgeous daughters teleported to a kid's room where they began to play.
"I love you girls, "I spoke as I stroked their hair.
"We love you too mommy," they both said as we all hugged, Their heads under my chin.

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