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You flush with embarrassment under the covers of your bed.

You just couldn't believe how you'd insulted Jacob a few hours earlier. You almost felt sorry for being rude to him, he was trying to be nicer after all.

But somehow, you could feel the teasing, the arrogance, the superiority complex behind that celebrity face.

You sit up on the bed, leaning your back on the headboard and look out the floor to ceiling length window to see the sun slowly setting. You want to find a stable place to stay in soon as possible.

You had posted an ad online so renters could contact you if their spot became available. You feel more secure with that back up in mind.

Should you apologize to Jacob? It really wasn't too serious, just playround insults. To be frank, his smug gaze was more insulting than your namecalling.

You guess thinking so much about Jacob sent out bad vibes because you suddenly hear a knock at your door.

"Y/n?" He opens the door without waiting for a response.

"What's the point of knocking if you can't wait for a response?" You ask him avoiding eye contact.

"It's my house, that's my door." He responds with a straight face.

"Sure..." You say back, you couldn't believe how unchanged he was.

"Anyways!" He claps his hand and points and you. "Want to watch my movie with me? Pretty good if I say so myself."

You shift uncomfortably, bringing your knees to your chest. He's a bit closer to you now.

"Um, sorry Jacob but I feel like I'm a bit tired."

Jacob's smile drops. "What, you don't want to spend any time with me?"

"Huh?" You almost laugh out loud. "Do roommates have to spend time with each other? I'm paying the rent, right? Do I have to be friends with you?"

Yikes. Was that a little mean of you?

Jacob would say yes, that's really, really mean of you. And he should show you that words can hurt.

Jacob sits at the end of your bed and you look at him confused.

"Y/n... ...Tell me the truth. Do you-" He stares at his lap. "Do you still hate me for what I've done to you when we were younger? Could you ever forgive me?"

You're stunned. What's happening? "Oh! Um- well..." You stutter.

Jacob forces tears to form in his eyes and looks up at you. His glossy, brown eyes, all sad and red. It's fake, but you don't know that.

"Y/n the truth is I've always loved you. I admired you so much but I was too embarrassed to say my true feelings to you. Because I was scared of being rejected." Your stomach turns and you feel bad.

"I- aw.." You try to say something to comfort him but you can't form words.

You crawl to the end of the bed and you hug him.His big arms wrap around you as well and it feels more like he's cradling you rather than you embracing him. Your small form is engulfed in his arms and you start to feel calm. Jacob feels pretty good right now too.

"Jacob, don't cry, I'm sorry." You whisper to him. Sorry for what, you didn't fucking know.

"Y/n you hate me, right?"

"No! I don't!" You declare to him.

He gazes into your eyes. "Do you like me?" He softly asks you, not breaking eye contact.

You're speechless right now.

You part your lips and you're about to toss out some words about you and him having potential to be friends, but you're interrupted.

By Jacob pressing his own lips on your slightly open mouth. He moves his right hand to the back of your head supporting you and kisses you harder, pulling you in.

You gasp and push him off, jumping up on your feet.

"Shit! What was that!?" You exclaim. You stare at him, shocked by what just happened. You feel hot and dizzy.

Jacob looks at you. "Sorry." He mutters and leaves, locking your door on his way out.

You're left to be on your own, stewing in confusion.

It's not a matter of want now, but a need to move out immediately. Like the universe is helping you, you get a notification on your laptop about an available renter who's willing to rent out a cheap basement near your university.

You're leaving, tomorrow.


A/N: It's halloween soon, but I don't have a costume :(

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