First Steps

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Jacob was as normal as a person who ruined your life completely could be. He made sure to provide you with three meals a day, making sure he wasn't making any sexual advances on you, like nothing had ever happened.

It was as if he'd been possessed the days before.

"I want to go out with you, today," he had told you after you'd just woken up in his bed. "nothing serious, just some coffee and a walk." he had added, with an enthusiastic smile. You forced your corners of your lips to turn upwards, mumbling a "sure", then rolled over to your side for some more sleep.

After having a quiet breakfast for the most part, you excused yourself up to your room's bath.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, some colour had returned. Like your skin was saying, "yes, hello, a human does live here."

You touched your hair, and the faint dark circles under your eyes.
However much time passed, there was an unkempt air about you, it was too clear you'd been living in a box for a month.

You were still dull, flat, nothing like how you remembered yourself, bubbly and sweet. Did you really have to degrade yourself and ask him to go shopping for some products?

You supposed since he lived in a celebrity infested area, people would focus on the new person appearing next to him, the movie star of the year.

Sighing, you leaned on the shower glass pane and stared intently into your reflection, when Jacob walked in through the open doorway.

He was wearing a grey v-neck sweatshirt with straight cut black pants, while you were still in your given silver sleepwear, too long and too big on you.

You turn to him. You've gotten used to his presence a little more now.

"I need something to wear. I also need products, I don't want to go out like this." You tell him, lightly biting the inside of your mouth with furrowed brows.

"Right..." He replied, digging into his front pocket. He pulled out his phone, dialing a number, then put it to his ear.

"What are you-"

"Calling my assistant to get some stuff." He said, holding up a finger at you as a high pitched 'hello?' rang from the phone.

"Hey. I need some women clothes and some makeup, uh, products."

There was silence as he listened to the other side. Then he turned to look at you.

"Just basic stuff, right?" He asked.

You nodded.

He put his phone back into the pocket and approached you.
Of course he had an assistant.
You'd forgotten he was a celebrity in that sense, you knew it as a fact, but you never really got to see it applied in real life.

Being the girlfriend of a celebrity wasn't all that to be cracked up about after all.

"When we go out we'll have to wear some cover ups." He said, exhaling air from his mouth.

"What do you mean? Like because of the paparazzi?" You asked.

"Yeah. No flashy clothes."

You subtly nodded once, in understanding .

Jacob grabbed your hand gently.
"When should we go public? With our relationship, I mean. Sometime special right? We should do it at a party, or an event." He rambled in excitement, eyes sparkling.

You turned your head away slightly over your shoulder and closed your eyes, breathing in. Coping with him in your life was a struggle you couldn't begin to describe. A crawling disgust filled you up.

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