Chapter 3: wolves

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Yuna POV
This place is so calm I love this place it remind me of my parents...but they are gone I don't want to remember the painful past again I feel somebody stroke my hair softly when I turn around it was Kai he is smirking at me "what?" I said "what are you thinking right now?" He said "Nothing..." I said and he carry me in bridal style he carry me to his mansion again and we arrive he put me down and I walk in

"Yuna!" Tao yelled "yes?" I said with smile "do you want to play with us" he said "play what?" I said
"Just see.." He said and carry me in bridal style the others and we both run in a forest and arrive in magical place it was peaceful and full of color it was really beautiful and I saw a enchanted animal
"What is this place?" I said "It call magical forest but when it dark this place will look a little bit scary and it look beautiful when you saw a river.." Suho said "this place is so calm..." I said "of course tonight we will go hunting and you can come here anytime.." Kai said and I nodded "by the way I wanna go home now.." I said
"You not going to your home you will staying with us" Kai said with smirk "what?!" I said in shocked

What the heck I don't want to stay with them! "If you didn't stay with us you wi-" I cut him off "okay fine!" I said and he smile back to normal "we better go home now.." Sehun said and we all walk home
"Wait where my room?" I asked "that one the one with black door.." Sehun said and I nodded
I walk upstair to my room and it was black and white and the toilet has the same color even my clothes
By the way it my favorite color anyway I lay down on the bed it was really comfy the blanket was a fur
"Geez... I'm tired I better take some rest and tonight I have a mission.." I said and sleep

I was really tired and that girl was totally annoying but when I around with her I can't control myself
I have a lovesick maybe "She really a cat girl right?" Sehun asked "yup yup" I said
"Do you all have a plan tonight?" Chanyeol asked "yes of course we will go hunting for blood tonight.." Suho said with smirk "can wait for tonight...." I said and smirk "how about Yuna?" Baekhyun said and we all turn to him "what about her?" I asked "what will she do tonight?" Baekhyun said "no idea..." I said

She always go outside when it night so no worry "maybe she going out tonight.." I said "okay.." He said
"Yeah Kai right.." Kris said coldly "Don't be so cold hyung!" Baekhyun said and hit his shoulder

Baekhyun POV
It so boring when will it get night it already 5:00 o'clock we all go in 7:00 until 12:00 o'clock
"Baek what wrong with you?" Chanyeol said "I want to go hunting now.." I whine " are so noisy!" Kai said angrily "just plug your ear and it wont get noisy!!" I whine again "just wait.." Lay said calmly

How came this hyung be so calm he just like a 'duh' person gees.. "Okay I will wait" I reply him
I wonder what Yuna is doing.. "So boring..." I whine again "will you shut your mouth!" Kai said with his eyes close "you shut up dark guy!" I yelled "what did you!!!" He said angrily "blah blah blah!" I said and frown

"Tsk. Why you!" He said and trying to throw punch at me but Kris stop him "will both of you stop fighting!" He yelled in anger we both silence and nodded because of his angry face "it your fault!" I whisper to Kai
"Not me you!" He whisper back "Still not get off!" Kris yelled and we both look down

Yuna POV
I woke up from my catnap and stretch my body I went to my bathroom and took a bath after that I wear my cat girl suit and my cat mask and lastly I wear my black gloves and we out quietly

"Yawn* where should I go..." I said to myself I think about the forest and walked to the forest
I wonder how do the forest look like at night.. When I enter the forest it was really dark and big full moon
"The moon is so big..." I said and climb a big tree and sat on the branch I look at the moon and singing

"Awoo~" I heard a wolf howling at the full moon it was 12 wolves and turn back to human maybe it them
I saw red glowing eyes and sharp teeth they finding something and one of them saw a deer then Suho caught the deer and suck the blood and throw the deer and turn to a grass "my goodness I think hungry for blood" I said and continue looking at the moon I saw them sniff and look at me I wave at them and they were gone

"Where did they go?" I said and feel something hugging me tightly when I turn around it was Xiumin
"W-what do you want?" I said and blush "I want you..." He whisper and rest his chin on my head
Oh crap I forget about my mission "Xiumin.. I have to go I have to do my mission.." I said "no you can't" he whisper to my ear "bu-" I was cut off by his stare "you can't go stay with us.." He said "but my mission!" I said and he give me sad stare "I have to go..." I said I was about to stood up but he grab my wrist harshly
"I told you to stay.." He said
OMO what will happen next!! >_<

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