16. You try to speak his language

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Since I didn't have any other riveting plans at seven thirty in the morning, I walked to school anyway despite knowing Aquila wouldn't be there. After his time slot, there was still little Sean who I'd teach at eight, and then John, who had asked me to go over one of his essays with him at eight thirty.

Aquila not showing didn't mean I wasn't thinking about him, however. I'd already decided I'd my spare time to write down werewolf questions. If Aquila thought I wouldn't immediately jump on the opportunity to learn more about him after school, he'd be dead wrong.

I'd be prepared for it this time. I wouldn't end up staring at Aquila with a sheepish grin, not being able to think of any questions again. 

Once I arrived at the school's computer room, I opened my laptop and started Word. Right before I started typing questions, however, I casually checked my Instagram notifications and saw I had a new follower request. I raised a brow at that. New followers hardly ever happened, given I didn't post pictures of myself or any pictures at all. The people who followed me were people from town who I'd already known for ages. 

I opened the request, expecting a spam account. It wasn't. It was a guy with a picture I recognised. I breathed in sharply when I read their name. James. We had one follower in common: Riley, his cousin. The pictures on his profile were unmistakable too. Dimpled smile, dark eyes, hot. This guy was definitely my almost-kiss underneath the Mistletoe years ago. 

Already, I felt a flush creeping up my cheeks as I approved his follow and also followed him back. Almost instantly, I received a DM. I just knew it was James, and my first instinct was to slam my laptop shut, which I did. I could get away with pretending I wasn't around at least for a couple of hours.

"Shit," I swore. I grabbed my phone and texted Iris. Riley's cousin just followed me and he's talking to me.

Like James had, Iris jumped online right away. Whatever you do, don't slam your laptop shut and pretend you're not there, she replied. 

I cursed under my breath. Was I that predictable? 

Okay, fine.

I reluctantly opened my laptop and checked James' message.

James: hey! how are you doing?

I stared at the words. What James said was simple and normal and I shouldn't have such a hard time coming up with a response. I didn't want to sound boring, but Iris would kill me if I spent ages thinking about it and didn't reply. 

Me: Long time no see. I'm good. How are you?

I cringed as I hit send. This was so awkward. Especially considering the way things had ended when we were fifteen. James didn't seem to mind, however. He was typing again.

James: Right! I'm catching a flight to Pinewood tonight though. We should catch up when I arrive.

Me: Sure, sounds good.

Now, I gave myself permission to slam my laptop shut while I resisted the urge to scream in the middle of the computer room. Iris would just have to forgive me. I couldn't handle any more conversation at once with a guy like James. I needed Iris to be sitting beside me for moral support when I talked to him. And also so she could tell me what to say. 

I grabbed my phone. I replied, happy? I texted to Iris. I need you here when I talk to him again.

Are you going to invite me to your dates too? Iris teased me. Fine let's meet up after school. I'll tell you exactly what to say to him~

I started typing 'good' but then I remembered I had other plans today after school. I was going to Boris' house, and I made the poor decision of telling Iris about it in my next message. 

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