26. You find exactly what you need

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"We should...go somewhere," Aquila murmured against my lips between pecks.

He raised an excellent point. We were standing in the middle of the road, making out and getting increasingly more hot and bothered. I didn't know what exactly we'd end up doing, but standing here any longer wasn't a good idea.

There was one problem with the 'going somewhere' plan, however. And that was the 'where.' I couldn't let Aquila sleep over in my room at my house without my parents having an opinion about it. Besides, going to my house would involve indirectly telling my mom she'd missed the opportunity to photograph my first kiss, and I wasn't ready to do that yet. Sleeping at Boris' house was awkward as hell now that I knew he and Aquila's mom could hear every little sound we made. It was normal to werewolves, but as a human, I wasn't ready for that either.

"Where?" I breathed after Aquila kissed me again. "It can't be our houses."

Aquila seemed to think it through and his nose wrinkled. "We can stay outside," he suggested. "In the bushes. I heard from Boris it's a popular place among humans."

"They don't sleep there," I pointed out. "And I'm not a werewolf, Aquila. I don't enjoy sleeping in a bush."

Aquila frowned. "Yeah, you do. Humans do it all the time with pieces of cloth to sleep under. Tents?"

"True. So I would need to go to my parents' house, pick up my tent, and tell them I'm going on a spontaneous camping trip," I thought out loud, simultaneously trying to estimate the chance they wouldn't ask questions and how good I'd be at lying if they did.

My parents thought I was at the bonfire. It wasn't unusual for me to go home really late or stay over at Iris' place. I could tell them I was with her and borrow her tent instead to avoid questions. If I explained the situation to Iris, she'd have my back. She was even more enthusiastic about me finding a boyfriend than I was, after all.

I looked at Aquila. "Okay. I need to call Iris for a tent. One moment."

Aquila hummed. He didn't let go of me as I took out my phone. Burying his face in the crook of my neck, he made himself comfortable, all snuggled up to me while he waited. As I selected Iris' number, Aquila started softly nibbling on my nape.

I chuckled. "I can't focus on the conversation like this, Aquila."

Aquila responded with a soft grunt and by switching to featherlight kisses, which honestly didn't make it any easier. I didn't want him to stop, however, so I dialled Iris' number while pleasant tingles ran down my spine.

"Xavier!" Iris answered my call sing-song. "What are you doing, calling dear old me? Aren't you with James, checking out Riley's new beamer?"

I cringed as Iris called James' name, knowing fully well that Aquila could hear it. A fact he confirmed by growling lowly. I shushed him.

"What was that?" Iris asked.

"Nothing," I hastily replied. "Don't worry about it. And no, I'm not with him, but I do need to ask you for a favour."

"And I shall grant it. If you tell me who I heard in the background just now, if it wasn't James," Iris said.

I groaned. "Iris."

"Sorry, those are my terms. Fess up. Who are you with? Is it... Aquila?"

I scrunched up my face, mentally preparing for Iris' reaction before hesitantly responding, "...Yes."

Iris squealed and gasped. "Xavier, you player! How do you leave the bonfire with James like an hour ago and end up with Aquila?"

Aquila, who seemed to realise now that Iris could hear him, thankfully kept his mouth shut at the mention of James' name this time. I smiled sheepishly at Iris' question. "Believe me when I say I'd have a very hard time explaining that."

Xavier and the Wolf (Legends of Pinewood 1)Where stories live. Discover now