Part three: 'Under Control'

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Chapter 4

Peril was walking down the hall back to class, thinking about Auburn, when Moonwatcher nearly  bumped into her.

"Ack! Sorry, Peril!" Said Moon, jumping back with a yelp.

"Yeesh." Peril said. "Be more careful, Moon." Moon sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I came looking for you because I noticed that Auburn has been acting really sad lately. I didn't even have to read her mind to know that something's wrong. And you're her friend, so I thought, 'maybe Peril will know what's wrong,' so... what's wrong?" Then she heard what Peril was thinking and her face fell. "Oh no..." Peril nodded.

"An IceWing assaulted her. She's expecting dragonets. But Sunny said it's under contr— Moon, are you all right!?" Moon was clutching her head, and her eyes were glazed over. "Moon?" She fell to her knees... And then she began to speak.

"Beware the one with fire in her scales,

Beware the nameless, the lost,

Sour and sulking, bloodied and pale,

Talons of Fire, Talons of Frost."

Moon gasped for air and stood up. "I'll get Qibli." As she left the room, Peril was standing there in shock. Beware the one with fire in her scales. Does that mean... me?

Beware... Me?


Chapter 5

Moon quickly re-emerged from the hallways with Qibli. "I told him about the prophecy." She said, glancing back at Qibli. He nodded at Peril, then said,

"It was... unnerving. But hey, maybe when we get down to it, it won't be so cryptic. Any thoughts?" Peril clenched one fist in frustration. Just say it.

"Maybe... Maybe the first part is about... Me?" Qibli barked a laugh, which startled Peril so much that she tripped over backwards. She caught herself, then growled,

"What on all the continents are you laughing about?" Qibli snorted.

"Peril, that's not statistically possible. Yes, you're a Firescales, but you're not 'pale and bloodied' or 'sulking' and you definitely have a name. You're not the one that we have to beware." Peril felt hugely relieved by this, until a thought suddenly struck her.

"You don't think—" Qibli saw her face and must have thought the same thing, because his expression turned grim.

"But that also means," He said carefully, "that there's a very malevolent, sulky Firescales out there. Peril... so you're not the last Firescales after all."

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